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7 Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses Today

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7 Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses Today

How you market your small business can make or break its success. Creating and implementing the right marketing campaign gets the word out about your business. The more people who know your business exists, the easier it’ll be for you to haul in customers. 

There are many strategies to market a small business and most of these don’t require thousands of dollars or a team of experienced professionals. Don’t believe us? We’ve listed seven marketing strategies below that work wonders for small businesses today.   


Because it’s convenient and accessible to almost anyone in the globe, using SMS to market your small business is a must. SMS marketing is an effective way of communicating with your potential customers, as it works well with other marketing channels and boosts engagement. 

Invest in SMS marketing platforms to reach out to more people in less time with minimal effort. You can integrate these platforms into your CRM so you can deliver clear and customized messages to your prospects. Using these platforms also enables you to get feedback from prospects and increase brand awareness. 

Create a Website

Websites are needed in today’s ever-competitive world of business; they function as modern-day business cards. Your website is the first thing potential customers see once they search for your business online — and how it looks and functions leaves an impression. 

If you’re business still doesn’t have a website, create one with these tips in mind:

Make sure it’s responsive: Your website should be responsive regardless if someone accesses it thru a desktop computer or mobile device. The content of your website should adjust automatically to the size of the screen used. 

Place contact information above the fold: Your business’s contact information — physical address, email address, and phone number — should be placed on top of the homepage. This alleviates visitors from having to search for your contact details on the website. 

Keep pages clean: Avoid adding too many elements to your web pages, as this will make your site look cluttered and feel unprofessional. Determine the goal you want to achieve in each web page and only include elements aligned with those goals. For example, if you want web visitors to submit their email addresses, including a CTA button and a simple form is enough. 

Use personalized content: Showing content relevant to your visitors’ location, native language, etc. keeps them engaged and interested, therefore increasing your website conversions. If-So allows you to create dynamic content based on a set of conditions if your site runs on WordPress.

Work With Influencers

When marketing your small business, don’t overlook the power of influencers. As more and more people become reliant on social media, influencers have become essential. 

Influencers are individuals with a large following on social media. Influencers spend years gaining the trust of their followers and creating authority in a specific niche. Their followers trust (and buy) their recommendations. 

Reach out to an influencer who has already built a name in a niche similar to your business. Ask them to promote your product or service in exchange for a fee, freebies, or discounts. 

Publish a Blog

Blogging is one of the most effective marketing strategies for branding and exposure. Utilize blogs to demonstrate to potential customers that you’re an expert in your field and that your products and services can improve the quality of their lives. 

When writing a blog, make sure you understand your audience first (who they are, what are their common pain points, etc.), so you can easily write for them. Use simple words to make it easier for your readers to understand your blog, and avoid using jargon.

Champion One Social Media Platform

Simultaneously using different social media platforms for marketing your small business doesn’t guarantee results. Keep in mind that creating a strong presence on social media requires time and effort as you need to maintain your profile. Therefore, by using too many at a time, your profile might end up stale, hurting your branding.

It’s better if you aim to champion one social media platform only. For example, if your prospects are consistently tagging your location in their Instagram posts but never engage with you on Facebook, it’s obvious to invest more time in Instagram. 

Focusing on one platform at a time, you’ll have the resources to engage with your prospects, answer their queries, and post updates regularly. Over time, this will improve your branding and engage prospects to patronize your offerings. You can also manage your reputation and online brand mentions with the help of a media monitoring tool.

Share Your Knowledge

How can you position yourself as a leader in the industry? Simple — by sharing your knowledge with the general public. Taking this route will help you position your business as an expert in a specific niche while being able to engage with your prospects. 

You can share your knowledge through different channels. You can host webinars, make YouTube tutorials, or speak at local conferences. You can also answer questions on online communities. 


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a cost-effective marketing strategy because it guarantees long-term results. It’s the process of getting more web traffic from free, editorial, organic, and natural search results to improve your site’s position in the search results pages. Remember that a higher SEO rank means better online visibility. 

To optimize your website for SEO, consider the following tips:

Publish high-quality content: Content is king in SEO, so prioritize posting high-quality, well-researched content on your website. Be sure to conduct keyword research to know what keywords your prospects use in searching for your website and include them in your content. 

Improve your website speed: Google has launched the mobile-first index, which means that your website will rank better if it loads fast. The ideal website load time is only 1-2 seconds. If your website takes longer to load, visitors will leave. 

Optimize images: You can optimize images by naming them in plain language, choosing the right file type, and using image sitemaps. Reducing the file size of your images also helps as it allows your site to load faster. 

Remain Consistent

The key to successfully marketing your small business is consistency. As long as you implement the right marketing strategies consistently, you’re sure to see results.



What B2B Marketing Trends Can We Expect to See in 2022?

Major shifts in the global market are impacting how B2B companies approach marketing. After 18 chaotic months, innovation is accelerating at a rapid pace. The digital transformation of the economy and the rise of e-commerce are likely to spark significant change in 2022.

Current data suggests these trends are likely to define B2B marketing in the coming year, so businesses would be wise to embrace them.

1. Spending Shifts to Mobile-First Strategy

In 2022, mobile and digital advertising will continue to become central to B2B marketing efforts. At the same time, marketers are also adjusting to a work-from-home reality. Around 70% of B2B buyers and decision-makers prefer remote or digital interactions with vendors.

Gartner predicts this number will tick up by an additional 10 percentage points by 2025. These buyers will likely respond better to more digital marketing strategies, as well.

Many marketers will likely shift to a digital-first marketing approach that prioritizes mobile advertising and content over offline and more traditional strategies. This will probably come with growing ad spend — though growth is on track to be slower next year than it has been in the past, partly due to the lingering effects of COVID-19.

As the amount of millennials in decision-making roles has grown, so has the number of buyers who want a seller-free experience. Less personal and direct approaches to marketing may become more popular among B2B marketers as a result.

2. Changing Lead Generation Channels

Generating quality leads remains a top goal of B2B marketers. How they are developed is likely to change significantly in 2022 and through the rest of the decade.

COVID-19 impacted how events are hosted. While some businesses pivoted to online events and others chose to delay or cancel, all marketers had to adapt quickly to the reality that in-person events were no longer always available to generate leads.

Jurgen Desmedt, head of marketing at Europe-based CDP vendor NGDATA, told CMSWire that social media is emerging as a major lead-generation channel.

B2B marketers are more often taking to social advertisements to generate leads that previously came from events. Uncertainty in B2B marketing may also be driving the pivot to social media. Marketers unwilling to commit fully to in-person interactions may instead look toward other methods requiring less commitment.

The most popular style of social media marketing is also changing. Many marketers are now more interested in highly targeted and personalized strategies. Many platforms offer targeting tools with extremely fine levels of detail so they can deliver niche content to specific audiences.

Scheduling apps may help smaller businesses and solo entrepreneurs manage an increasingly complex strategy that delivers niche content to various audiences.

3. Growing Focus on Customer Psychology

The “neuromarketing” strategy allows B2B marketers to spend more time than ever focused on the individual psychology of key buyers and decision-makers. In practice, this may look like a shift from topic-driven to persona-driven marketing in B2B. Marketers will focus on honing in on their target audience’s particular needs, desires, and interests to generate more effective ads, content, and events.

Client personas will become a more important marketing consideration as a result. There’s also likely to be a greater focus on matching searcher intent and developing deeper content calendars.

4. Innovation to Engage B2B Customers

Cutting-edge technology will help marketers create campaigns that more effectively engage potential buyers in 2022. Optimizing for new types of search — like image and audio — may be essential to capture traffic. AI and marketing chatbots could help marketers reach more customers and reduce the amount of time potential buyers spend waiting.

In some cases, new technology and the focus on psychology may also mean the growing use of high-tech advertisements that generate interest and secure potential buyers’ attention.

Interactivity in emails can increase conversions and improve ROI — helping businesses get more out of their email campaigns. AMP emails, which enable marketers to provide app-like functionality inside a message, are one common method for delivering this interactivity.

Similar uses of personalization and interactivity in other forms of marketing may also provide results like these.

5. Original Research and Top-Quality Content

Online resource centers, blogs, content hubs and more have become a valuable tool for B2B marketers. In 2022, original research is likely to become even more important for marketing efforts.

According to data from the 2020 Demand Gen Report, B2B buyers increasingly look to a business’s original content when making purchasing decisions. This has become a significant trust marker, signaling to buyers that the company puts stock in its organizational knowledge and experience. Research also provides some early value to a potential buyer,

Because content has become a trust marker, simply writing posts to generate traffic and leads will no longer be enough. Information needs to be top-quality to encourage buyers to investigate the brand further or get in touch with the business’s sales team.

Various content strategies will likely be necessary to deliver high-quality information relevant to B2B buyers’ interests.

Customer psychology will likely be important to content teams. Effective use and reuse of posts will allow marketers to take full advantage of what they develop. Breaking things up to enable the tracking of micro-conversions could provide marketers with additional insights into reader behavior and interests.

Certain content types will also probably be more valuable than others. A business’s niche, original research, white papers and other forms of highly valuable and in-depth content may provide the most value to readers — building trust and generating interest.

Video content remains one of the top content types, overtaking blog posts and infographics in popularity. However, the high cost of producing video content may be a barrier to its use by some businesses.

How B2B Marketing Is Likely to Change in 2022

Uncertainty and digital transformation will likely have a significant impact on B2B marketing next year. Marketers are beginning to leverage mobile-first approaches, invest more in social media and adopt cutting-edge technology, like chatbots and interactive emails. This will be vital to effectively reach people and boost sales moving forward.

These new strategies and tools may help companies adapt to a market where buyers are more interested in digital channels and personalized content. Marketers must be prepared to embrace the upcoming changes to effectively reach their target audiences in 2022.


How to Improve Your E-Commerce Sales Strategy

Sales, Sales, Sales, why can I not get any sales? Do you own your own eCommerce business? If you do, I know you have had this question at least once. When it comes to making sales as an established online business, it can be difficult at times. If you are just starting out, the most challenging thing you will ever do is to get people to notice your company. There is a lot of competition out there. You need to figure out how to stand out from the rest.

Do I house my own inventory, drop-ship, or both? What is going to make me the most money with less overhead? What is going to sell the most? What are the best products? Should I have a specialty line, or be an online store like Walmart or Target where they sell everything? When it comes to e-commerce, finding your market and niche is going to be the game-changer for your success. Your first try at finding what is going to work for you, may not work. Don’t get frustrated, just keep working on it. Once you find it, the profit could change your life.

How to Rank

If you Google E-Commerce sites, have you ever wondered how they are ranked and how yours can be on the top of that list? It is all based on what is called SEO. SEO stands for Search engine optimization. SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. It targets unpaid traffic, known as “natural” or “organic” results, rather than direct traffic or paid traffic. Unpaid traffic may originate from different kinds of searches, that include image searches, video searches, academic searches, news searches, and industry-specific vertical search engines.

Search engines scour through billions of pieces of content and evaluate thousands of factors to determine which content is most likely to find what you are searching for. They do all of this by discovering and cataloging all available content on the Internet such as web pages, PDFs, images, and videos known as “crawling and indexing,” and then ordering it by how well it matches the query in a process we refer to as “ranking.” If this seems complicated to you, there is always the option of seeking help from an SEO consultant that will clarify it all and help you rank on the first page of Google.


SEO is important because, while paid advertising, social media, and other online platforms can generate traffic to websites, the majority of online traffic is driven by search engines. Organic search results cover more digital real estate, appear more credible to savvy searchers, and receive way more clicks than paid advertisements.

SEO Experts

Hiring an SEO company can save you a lot of time and money. However, it is important to know how to choose the best company. Choosing the wrong SEO company can actually harm your site more than helping it. That’s why it is important to choose the right one, such as SEO services in New Jersey offered by Tactica. They use a three-step program. Step one is accessed. They access your website’s structure, indexation, content, links, and keywords. Then they conduct a thorough competitive analysis. Then they plan your performance against competitors. Step two designs. They develop a strategy that focuses on first closing the gap between you and your competition. Then they build your money-keyword plan, website optimization plan, and clear goals for off-page optimization. Step three implements. In this last step, they will optimize your website to the fullest, pimp your content and structure, and prepare it for the traffic it deserves. They optimize your link portfolio, build new 100% white hat links to reputable and relevant websites, with jaw-dropping content quality both on and off-page.


If you take this knowledge, find your niche and hire a professional SEO company, you can grow your online e-commerce site to a multi-million dollar company. Whether you have inventory stored in a warehouse or you drop-ship items from around the world, selling the items is the ultimate goal. In order to sell the items, you need to bring people, traffic, to your website. Hire a professional SEO and move your site from being a no-name company to the top of the industry.


Common E-commerce Mistakes to Avoid: How Many Are You Making?

E-commerce is a truly amazing idea. You can market your product to thousands of customers without the marketing budget of a multinational company, take orders, and deliver them all at the same platform.

With the COVID-19 pandemic locking people up in their homes, online shopping has become the new norm, making e-commerce almost a necessity for most modern businesses.

While the possibilities are endless, it’s easy for things to go wrong with e-commerce if you don’t keep a few basic points in mind. If you’re wondering why your online business hasn’t achieved the growth it should have had, here are some common mistakes you might be making.

1. You have insufficient information on your store.

While everyone includes basic information like product descriptions and pricing, it’s easy to neglect the pages you think are unimportant.

One page people tend to neglect is the “About Us” page. You might think buyers aren’t interested in reading about you but you’re wrong. Buyers are curious about the person or company they’re buying from, especially if you’re just starting out and not big yet.

A well-written about us page helps you connect with your customers by sharing your personal story with them, which builds trust and credibility. At the end of the day, less buyers are going to bounce off your store.

At other times, e-commerce stores fail to clearly outline sales terms and conditions, leaving users confused about their refund and exchange policy. This can turn away a good number of buyers (no one likes taking risks with their money!), so make sure to include this information in clear terms in your store. A good online business lawyer can help you in this regard.

2. Your store is not designed for phones.

Mobile phones are a major medium people use to shop online. You could have the most amazing store, but if it’s not optimized for mobile phones, you’ve lost a lot of customers in an instant.

Open your store on your mobile browser, and see if it runs as smoothly as it does on a desktop. If it’s displayed incorrectly, lags, or is not very responsive, it means you need to have a conversation with your software team!

3. You haven’t researched the market.

This mistake can be made with any business, but it’s particularly easy to make with online businesses because they’re so easy to set up.

You can have full confidence in your product, but your business won’t flourish if no one wants your product. So it’s extremely important to find out the demand your product has before launching a store.

Another common mistake people make is failing to niche down. You should clearly define your niche, and then aim to engage your target audience. If you don’t niche down, you won’t be targeting a specific audience. You’ll basically be shooting in the dark.

4. You’ve neglected SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what makes your store visible on the internet. When you type “best pencil holders” in Google, you see a list of websites. Those websites aren’t ranked randomly but by how well they’re optimized for search engines.

Every piece of text that you put onto your store (from product descriptions to the About Us page) is an opportunity to make use of the right keywords and improve your SEO. Many e-commerce owners neglect the content they put on their website when it’s one of the most powerful tools to drive the right kind of customers to their store.

But SEO is not just about content. As competition between websites is increasing, SEO is getting more and more complex with constantly evolving on-page and off-page SEO best practices.

So it’s unlikely you’ll be able to tackle your store’s SEO by yourself. If you’re a startup, consider working with a budget-friendly SEO agency to take your store to the next level!

5. You’re not loud enough.

You can have the most amazing e-commerce store out there but it’s going to be useless if people don’t know about it.

You need to make use of all marketing platforms available to you to promote your website. Creating a brand identity and a story that people can relate with help in website promotion, so it’s a good idea to work on those aspects of your store as well.

Placing ads on social media platforms, collaborating with influencers and YouTubers, and making the right use of SEO content are some ways to promote your website. Many more ideas exist, and no one idea alone can turn things around for your store.

If you’d like to take all the ideas and turn them into an effective marketing strategy, your best bet is to work with a good digital marketer who can help you scream out as loud as possible!

6. You’re failing to close the deal.

The checkout process is the most important part of your store when it comes to closing the deal. If it’s too cumbersome, there’s a very good chance your customer will abandon the cart.

Your goal should be to make your checkout process as smooth as possible. You can do this by ensuring good page load speeds and a clean, intuitive user interface. At this point in the buying process, you should keep things minimal and avoid distracting the customer with offers, promotions, and advertisements.

It’s also helpful to keep the information required for making the purchase minimum — today’s internet users crave instant gratification and too much typing while shopping online annoys them.

Finally, try to offer as many payment options as you can. Nothing breaks the heart of an e-commerce customer like the unavailability of their preferred payment option, which sometimes is the only option they really have!


How to Develop an International Digital Marketing Strategy

Expansion into new markets can spell great success for businesses; it creates an opportunity to target new markets and grow a global customer base, thereby increasing revenue. Digital marketing can be used by brands to reach a global audience but developing an international digital marketing strategy can be very different from developing a domestic one. To be successful, businesses must carefully consider the audience and market they want to reach.

How Can Digital Marketing Help Businesses Expand Internationally?

The world is becoming increasingly digital, with consumers finding all their news, engaging with brands, and buying products, online. With so many people making purchases online, it’s easy to recognize the value of developing an effective digital marketing strategy when addressing a new market; companies can reach international audiences faster when using different digital media channels. This includes the likes of social media, PR campaigns, content marketing, SEO, and email marketing. Having a diverse strategy that uses different mediums increases the likelihood of a company getting a good response. When one channel doesn’t resonate with your audience, another one will.

How to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy for International Audiences

Recognizing the value of a digital marketing strategy doesn’t guarantee success. A successful digital marketing strategy requires careful and methodical thinking. Here’s our guide for e-commerce business owners on how to build and implement an effective digital marketing strategy for international audiences.

Define Your Buyer Persona

The first step of international digital marketing is to collect data on your target audience and develop a buyer persona. Hitting the right audience with the right content is fundamental, and if your strategy is focused on drawing the interest of your customers it will be more likely to drive interaction and conversions. To identify the type of customer you want to focus your campaigns on, take the following steps.

Start with market potential and socio-economic factors

It’s important you understand consumer potential and consumer projection. You can collect this data using information about the population, GDP growth, public infrastructure, consumer analytics, minimum wage, and average pay. Your goal is to identify a demand for your product in a new market and ensure your target consumer is in a position where they can buy your product for its current price.

Consider local culture and customs

You need to recognize the socio-cultural environment in which your target audience lives. You should consider traditional beliefs, values, lifestyle, behaviors, culture and worth ethics, and the organization of society. This will give you an idea of how your audience lives and helps avoid potentially controversial situations that could stem from a lack of understanding of local culture when brainstorming campaign ideas.

Once you have all the information you need, you can start to build your target buyer persona. A buyer persona should cover all the relevant demographics, including gender, age, location, language, education, industry, job title, income, and family status. When defining buyer persona, you should also consider psychographics including goals, problems, solutions, objections, and traditional values. Using this data during ideation will help you create campaigns that see the best results and are cost-effective because you don’t need to push for it to reach the biggest possible audience – you can simply focus on your potential buyers.

Competitor Analysis

Carrying out a detailed competitor analysis is also a key aspect of developing a digital marketing strategy for a new international audience. Collecting information on competitors will help you understand the market, target your audience more effectively, make a forecast of foreign market potential, analyze similar products and track the economic climate. Using these insights to shape your digital strategy can help you to achieve effective customer acquisition.

When carrying out a competitor analysis, there are some key characteristics you should look out for. We have listed some below to help structure your evaluation:

-Number of employees

-Number of customers

-Years on market




-Acquired brands.

You should also look to source information on their target audience and product details:

-Primary audience

-Secondary audience

-Target audience

-How they communicate with consumers


-Product details


-Customer reviews.

This data will help you understand what works and what doesn’t in this new market. You should also keep prices, dates, and other information in mind when creating digital marketing campaigns.

Implement International SEO

Implementing search engine optimization (SEO) in your digital marketing is crucial for ensuring your website can be found by your new target audience. Here are some techniques you can use to become more accessible in a foreign market:

Making an SEO-Friendly Domain

Creating a separate website can bring more than just SEO benefits. You can cater this site and your brand in a way that will provide the best possible experience for your target customers in the new market.

You have two main options when choosing a domain for your website: Country Code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) that ends in a specific country code (e.g. or Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) that is not country-specific and can be paired with organizations (e.g. .org).

A ccTLD helps search engines recognize that your website targets a specific location and is generally seen as more trustworthy by native users. However, a gTLD benefits from any domain authority of the parent domain and can rank in local SERPs quicker. Long term, ccTLD has stronger ranking potential due to its strong location signal, but it requires its own digital marketing strategy, particularly with SEO.

Optimize for a Relevant Search Engine

It’s important you recognize the search engine you want to optimize for. Google is generally the most popular, but in countries like China, for example, Baidu is the most used search engine. This is important because different search engines may value sites differently, meaning your SEO approach should be focused on achieving rankings in that specific country.

Use Target Language Keywords

When implementing international SEO, using keywords specific to the target language will help increase rankings. Search queries are different country by country you should carry out keyword research using the search engine that is popular in the region. Working with native speaking digital marketers to carry out keyword research is crucial to ensuring there are no missed opportunities.

Diversify Your Content Strategy

You can reach audiences faster by focusing on a number of different digital marketing mediums rather than just one. SEO is effective, but pairing it with content marketing and social media marketing will help you better attract the attention of international audiences. Here are some different strategies you can use to increase your success:

Make Your Blog Multilingual

Localizing your current content for readers in the new market will help you establish yourself as industry experts in each market. Having blog content in the target language will help you be seen as a trustworthy brand.

Get Contributions From Experts

Partner with local bloggers and encourage them to write reviews of your company and product. This is another way to build authority and trust and gain access to a niche audience.

Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content can become the foundation for different digital marketing campaigns. Recognizing content written by locals will help you build a trusting, loyal customer base.

Using multiple content mediums and strategies in your international digital marketing helps to reach a wider audience and get in front of your target consumers at various stages of the sales funnel.

Making noise in a competitive online market is difficult enough, never mind if you’re the new business on the block. Following these steps will help you to build a digital marketing strategy that will win the attention of a new international audience. Your strategy is unique to you and there is no right and wrong answer, but following the advice in this article will give you the best chance of being successful.

digital marketing

Why Small Businesses Need to Embrace Digital Marketing

In the last decade, marketing has shifted in a different sphere. With the rise of technology and social media, we got introduced to a new branch of marketing which is digital marketing.

In many ways, digital marketing is no different than traditional marketing. Digital marketing is the use of the Internet to reach consumers.

But digital marketing has replaced most traditional marketing tactics because it’s designed to reach today’s consumers online, and as we know, the digital world is so trendy right now.

Our question is: why should small businesses embrace digital marketing? A simple answer: Because it’s the future. With the rise of social media, digital marketing is a new trend.

If you’re not sure how to do this, we are about to give you some of the most efficient tips and tricks that will for sure grow your business.

So, let’s dive in. How to make a business rise in digital marketing:


1. Make a strategy

Before even starting with anything, it is a good habit to make a strategy and know what you are expecting for your business, whether it is a new, a small, or a big one. Strategies are what keep your business on track and always evolving. Also, social media strategies are what make your business pop up more, and we will talk about this later on.

2. Make a user-friendly website

Having a website is a good start. But, it doesn’t mean that you cannot succeed if you don’t have a website. However, this section is about those who want to have a website. A good and easy way to build a website is WordPress. We are not sure what your field is, however, WordPress is free and most of the themes there are free. If you want a more customized website you can hire a web developer, or now with the quarantine going on, it is a very smart idea to hire freelancers. Another way is that you can hire a digital marketing company to do all these for you. But, again, this is something you can do yourself, it just needs a little more time.

3. Search Engine Optimization

If you haven’t heard about this, no worries, it is a new technique that digital marketers are using lately. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is a technique that helps your website rank better on Google by using link building as the main source. However, it is divided into two parts, On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO where:

On-Page SEO is 30%

Off-Page SEO is 70%

On-Page SEO is mostly focused on the website, making sure that your website has meta descriptions, best titles for crawling, keyword research, h1 tags, etc. Optimizing your website with SEO is a very important step. There are a lot of companies that offer such services, however, if you don’t want to spend your money on this you still can do it yourself, however, it will need some time.

Meanwhile, Off-Page is focused mostly on campaigns, where you need to work on backlinks and link building more. Why is this so important? Because link building is what will get you ranked on Google. More links linked to your website, the more visitors it will bring, and this way Google will rank it higher. Ahrefs is a very good tool to use if you want to track your competitors.

4. Keep track of your competitors

Since we already mentioned that you have to track your competitors, it is important to know the reason why. You need to track your competitors to see what they are doing, and be better than them! If you have very big competitors, it doesn’t really matter that you are a small company, use it as an advantage to get inspired and become better than them.

What are some of the benefits of digital marketing?

Benefits of digital marketing:

1. It’s free

Promoting your business on social media is mostly free. Because social media apps are free. However, if you want to promote it in a more advanced way then you have to pay for the ads. But, we would advise you not to because with the right social media advertisement you can attract as many clients as you want. We also need to mention that it is cheaper than traditional marketing.

2. You connect with your customers more

By using social media, you get really close to your customers and you get to know what they like and dislike more. This way, you get to hear their feedback even in a closer way. If they don’t like something, you will know right away, and then you will make it better!

3. You can reach a bigger audience

As we know, the internet is globally spread and it is used almost in every part of the world. This way, if you are located in North America, you can reach people in Western Europe by using social media. It won’t be a problem to do so because social media does this amazing thing for you. All you have to do is keep track of what your audience loves.

We really hope that we helped you out to start your own business and be in the spotlight with our tips.


7 Proven Ways of Growing Your Logistics Business Online

Logistics is a fast-growing industry, and one of the essential parts of the supply chain management process. More and more logistics companies are being launched every day, and the market is becoming seriously competitive. With so many companies trying to fight for their piece of the market, you need to find your way to improve your business. And, online marketing is one of the best strategies you can use.

Naturally, you first need to make sure your business is running smoothly, and you’ve got the best people using the best tools and strategies. You also have to pay attention to customer relationship management and deal with it on a separate note. But, to grow your business online, you’ll have to create a digital marketing strategy that will help you accomplish your goals.

Here are 7 proven ways of growing your logistics business online.

1. Build Your Brand

There are hundreds of logistics companies your potential clients can choose between. You need to give them a strong reason to choose you over them. Building a strong online brand is the first step you need to take. Branding will help you distinguish yourself from the other logistics companies, and give your company a friendlier, recognizable, and memorable face. Branding includes choosing brand colors and fonts, choosing a personality that will be seen in your content writing and online presence, and creating a consistent image for your customers to see. Building a brand means familiarizing your potential customers with your business.

2. Nail Your Website

When people want to look for a business to hire, they’ll go straight online to do some research. A solid website is your first interaction with a potential customer so it needs to be spot on. But, what does that imply? A solid website will provide a smooth and intuitive user experience to all visitors. It will provide company information, information about the services you offer, and other useful content. It needs to support your branding and reinforce the image you’re trying to build.

3. Create a Blog

Blogging is one of the most important segments of a successful content marketing strategy. Having a quality blog will help you attract more potential customers to your website. To build a successful website, you’ll need to create informative content, answer burning questions, and become the go-to resource for logistics information that your customers and business partners might be interested in. Covering versatile topics and sharing useful tips will get you the additional online attention you need. You can write and publish tutorials, how-to posts, tips & tricks posts, case studies, statistics reports, and similar informative content. These best essay writing services can help you find credible information and create reliable and educational blog posts.

4. Get on Social Media

The power of social media is indisputable when it comes to promoting a business and reaching new customers. Different social media platforms offer different options to businesses, so you’ll need to find the platforms that your target customers are most likely to use. But, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are always a top priority to businesses in all industries, including logistics. So, what can you use social media for? You can use it to promote your website and blog content, promote your services, introduce your team, personalize your business, communicate with your customers directly, and monitor their interest in your business. Social media gives you a direct link to your potential customers and an opportunity to show them why choosing your business is a great idea.

5. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great opportunity for you to promote your business. Email marketing is great for building brand awareness and increasing customer engagement. The important thing is that you write your email copies wisely and carefully. Set a goal for each email copy and send it to a group of customers that might find it useful or interesting. For example, send an email with your e-book to potential customers who’re visiting your blog often. Also, make sure to personalize the messages so that the recipients feel like you’re writing for them specifically.

6. Know Your Target Customers

To be able to send the right messages online, you need to truly know your target customers, their needs, and their pain points. Defining your target customers means gathering a set of characteristics, features, and facts that make a person or a business a great fit for you. The better you know them, the easier you’ll find it to reach out to them the right way.

7. Monitor Your Competitors

You’re not the only one investing in a strong online presence and a brilliant online marketing strategy. Most of your biggest competitors are doing the same thing. But, if you monitor what they’re doing, you can draw conclusions on how to stay unique and still stand out from them. So, watch closely what they’re doing on social media and how they’re using it to communicate with their customers. Visit their website and blog regularly. Keep track of their online presence and subscribe to their emailing list to always know what they’re up to. Monitoring your competitors will help you set yourself apart from them and always be one step ahead of the rest.

Final Thoughts

In order to grow your logistics business online, you need to rely heavily on a strong content marketing strategy and use all the tools and platforms to successfully promote your business. The 7 proven ways to grow your logistics business online that are listed above are the essential steps you should take if you want to move your business forward successfully.


Nicole Garrison is a content marketing specialist with years of experience working in different industries including sales, supply chain, and logistics. She’s also a skilled academic writer at dissertation writing services. So if you search online for help, she’s one of the writers that can help you. Her hobby is travel photography


How Digital Marketing Affects the Growth of Business

Through modern technological progress and evolution, small and medium-sized enterprises do whatever they can to preserve the reality for the remainder of society.

To capture a growing and highly profitable Internet marketplace, brick and mortar companies are either adapting their business model to an online model or expanding established marketing activities through digital marketing strategies.

Digital marketing outsources and innovations give companies the most significant potential for sustainability, survival, and even corporate growth in the digital arena to which they are led.

Digital marketing advantages

Digital outsourcing allows entrepreneurs and companies to concentrate on more lucrative activities, particularly administrative activities, which are costly and do not generate added value.

In this context, multiple and observable short-term and long-term advantages of digitally externalizing accounting are available. Other benefits of digital marketing include improved brand loyalty and online marketing driving.

-Potential for continuous contact with prospects regardless of their distance

-Quality in costing

-Easy brand consciousness and loyalties 

-Quick control of marketing responses and efforts

-Both digital marketing strategies will not, however, work wonderfully and work well.

Online replay standard of digital marketing

The days have passed when company owners still embrace the idea that digital marketing is only for multinationals and big businesses with the money to execute an online marketing campaign.

With digital marketing, small businesses now have open opportunities to outsource.

Cost-effective rather than conventional

Small enterprises have smaller budgets and little capitalization.  Digital Marketing provides them an extra strong and extra economical marketing network with results.

Conversion of Digital Marketing

Business goods and online services calculate success, depending on your website’s intended objectives by the percentages of income traffic transformed into leads, subscribers, or sales. Your traffic is nil without conversion, and your marketing struggles would increase excessively.

Assistance in achieving greater profits

Higher converting rates through efficient digital marketing strategies produce sustainable income for you and your business. In the IPSOS Hong Kong report, Google confirmed the organization that uses digital marketing techniques compared to those not using are 2.8 times higher in sales growth expectancy.

Enables contact with target audiences

The ability of internet marketer platforms to communicate with targeted consumers in real-time is why digital markets are embracing conventional marketing chains. Your customers expect interaction in all ways when they connect with your company.

Reputation Builds Brand

The capability of appealing to targeted traffic is the power of digital marketing. These types of audiences are usually prepared to identify additional information about your brand, goods, or services and may be involved in buying what you sell. Granting what you promised would support you to produce a stronger connection with your target audience and transition into paying customers who go back and engage more often with your website.

People’s trust in marketing

Social media signals, social proofs, and testimonials consist of real customers who previously bought or used a specific brand or company for a product or service. The more accurate these social signals are, the greater the confidence rate of that targeted audience – most potentially consumers – can produce.

Encourages people to do good

While social signals and testimonials help build confidence from targeted audiences, digital marketing uses successful tactics that enable people to follow a positive course of action intended by your brand or company.

The site user continues to conduct conversion to leads or sales and is fully regulated. They are not coerced, but digital vendors can employ creative and inventive methods to promote conversion by calls-to-action.


It would help if you studied marketing through a business management program to take full advantage of digital marketing. After all, to stay on top, you must be successful.

You must understand how you can use it throughout your career with today’s power of digital marketing. So, look for the preparation and experience to succeed in the company now and in the future.

Outsourcing to a digital marketing agent makes sense if you want to take full advantage of digital marketing opportunities and expand a business.


Genc Emini is a Marketing Specialist in SEO for Ajroni Web Agency and has more than 6-years of experience. Genc is passionate about traveling, photography, and reading. Genc can speak Albanian, English, Italian, and Turkish.


Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for eCommerce

Running an eCommerce business needs extra attention and energy towards your marketing strategies. This is because apart from targeting new traffic to your platforms, you are also working to ensure that you entice existing customers to keep coming back to your store.

Even though we live in a digital age, there are still many challenges that eCommerce sites undergo. As the competition remains unforgivingly fierce with millions of shopping options, it becomes a lot harder to convince online shoppers to purchase products from you.

There have also been various developments in the eCommerce world, thanks to search engine giants such as Google. This is because people can easily check out the prices of products much quicker, compare the goods with those of competitors, and they can decide on who to settle on, even before approaching your site.

To ensure that you remain relevant and close more leads, you may need to relook your marketing efforts and stay ahead of the trends. Here are five effective digital marketing strategies for eCommerce sites that will ensure you capture your share in the $2.8 trillion annual online sales.

1. Define your sales cycle

Before you embark on any digital marketing campaigns and even before writing your business plan, the first thing you’ll always hear is that you should understand your audience. In the eCommerce world, going in without defining your user personas would be heading for doom, as the chances of your business failing are pretty high.

Every business is unique, and therefore, you ought to define your sales cycle before launching any marketing strategies. In essence, you need to know how long it takes for a customer to make a purchase on your website. Learn their journey and understand how they move through your sales process. This is the only way you’ll be able to come up with relevant eCommerce marketing strategies that will actually work.

Without a clear understanding of how long it takes for a customer to complete the entire sales cycle, you will find it a little more difficult, trying to pinpoint the areas of improvement and what platforms you need to focus on the most.

Furthermore, with such information, you are also able to know how to target and qualify leads, how to move them onto the next stage of the sales funnel, and what needs to be done to keep them coming back. Fortunately, all these can be done on a trial and error basis so you don’t have to be perfect with your first findings.

2. Optimize your checkout process

One of the biggest mistakes made by eCommerce business owners is the failure to have a seamless checkout process. Getting your prospects to the checkout page takes a lot of convincing and they are satisfied that your products would actually help them solve their pain points.

However, if your checkout process isn’t smooth, then you may end up noticing a high bounce rate emanating from your checkout page.

Ensure that all actions and buttons are clearly visible and that the visitor knows exactly what to do after they have added their preferred products to the cart. There are some methods that you can easily learn by registering to some of the best distance learning platforms, and get to know the different ways you can optimize your checkout page for higher conversions.

3. Provide helpful product descriptions

Having clear product descriptions will help a prospect throughout their sales cycle. They’ll be in a better position to understand exactly what the product is all about and make a decision if it would be helpful to them.

As for the seller, you will gain customer trust if you know how to correctly label your product. This will establish you as an authority, which can boost the customer’s trust in you.

Furthermore, apart from helping to convince your customers, having clear product descriptions can help your site even further through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). By using the right keywords within your product descriptions, search engine crawlers would be able to rank your page as an authority site, helping you to appear on the first page of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). This will ultimately enable you to land on more leads and conversions.

4. Invest in retargeting

The hard truth is that 98% of website visitors do not make a purchase on their first visit. Most of them will be window shopping on your site, or maybe trying to compare you with a competitor. Another batch of individuals would actually add the items to the cart, and leave it half-way, even before they proceed to the checkout page.

If this is the case, you need to invest in retargeting marketing strategies. With this type of marketing, whenever someone visits your website and fails to make a purchase, and you could check on your dashboard that they were interested in a particular product, you reach out to them using other means.

For starters, you can use retargeting ads on other websites that the prospect may visit and bring to their attention your deals and offers on the specific product. Furthermore, if they had subscribed to your website, or had put in their email addresses, you can use these details to reach out to them and offer a personalized offer. By doing this, they will feel appreciated and can end up making the purchase from you.

5. Boost product visualization

People love what they see and if you’re an eCommerce business site owner, this is one of the first things you need to understand. Although content is king, you should beware of the type of content to add to your website. Although blog posts will be a boosting factor, they are not the key selling points.

Ensure to invest more in having quality images of the products you wish to sell. You should also use advanced methods such as 3D technology, where customers are able to view the product from all angles, including rotating 360°. One company, Fourth Source, has recorded increased conversions and sales from 25% to 30% when they used 3D images over flat surface photos for their products.


Having a concrete eCommerce digital marketing strategy will not only be vital for your company’s success through increased sales, but will also ensure you remain relevant to the changing trends and stay ahead of the competition. These five tips are just a starting point for you to up your game and get a piece of this elusive market share.


Lidia S. Hovhan is a part of Content and Marketing team at OmnicoreAgency. She contributes articles about how to integrate digital marketing strategy with traditional marketing to help business owners to meet their online goals. You can find really professional insights in her writings.

personalized B2B

Digital Marketing for B2B Companies in 2021—What Changes?

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, especially for B2B businesses. Tactics that worked a few years ago have been phased out.

 As we move into 2021, we can expect more exciting marketing trends that’ll dominate for years to come. Here are some of them:

Growing LinkedIn Use

No other social media platform can rival LinkedIn when it comes to B2B marketing. And here are a few reasons why:

-Senior Level workers account for almost 61 million users, and a whopping 40 million are decision-makers in their firms, according to this study. 

-LinkedIn helps B2B brands generate over 80% of their leads — a shocking 7 times more than other channels. 

-65% of B2B businesses have gained a customer through the LinkedIn platform. 

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn is a B2B goldmine. C-level executives spend their social media time there. They’re looking for valuable posts to read. 

Unlike with Facebook or Twitter, you already have an active audience that’s hungry for your content. By doubling-down on your efforts, you can get your business in front of the right people at the right time. 

The platform is friendly to even novice marketers. If you don’t know how to attract customers through the app, you can choose paid marketing strategies. They’ll help you narrow down your outreach to the most ideal audience — influencers, b2b clients, and other buyers. 

From the evidence above, LinkedIn marketing will continue to be the staple strategy in B2B circles. Unsurprisingly, an estimated 92% of marketers include the medium in their campaigns today. We expect this figure to grow in 2021. 


Outgrow estimates that, by 2021, 80% of brands will adopt some form of chatbot systems. These systems will help businesses avoid shelling out big bucks on customer service. The effective inbound lead generation they offer is expected to generate more profit for these brands. 

Unsurprisingly, chatbots have taken over online marketing, becoming a major part of web designs. They give answers to consumers quickly. Your customers no longer have to wait for hours to get an answer and get tempted to start searching for other alternative options. 

By offering instant answers, these AI tools make your brand appear more professional. This way, you can attract more potential clients and retain the available ones. 

Another benefit of integrating bots into your website is that they give you valuable consumer insights by collecting data on your visitor’s preferences. You can then use the data collected to revise your marketing tactics. 

Your customers don’t have to spend minutes filling out long forms, either. So it’s a win-win for both of you. 

Other perks you may get from bots include:

-Helps in recruitment — Potential hirees can communicate with the bots instead of submitting forms. 

-Creating content — Some bots can help reduce your workload by publishing content on your behalf. 

-Customer support — When your real agents aren’t available, the AI can take over conversations with visitors. 

Higher Demand for Content Marketers

In a recent ContentWriters survey, 61% of marketers claimed that they’re publishing blog posts several times a week. To top it off, 89% of these respondents said they received higher-quality leads from content marketing compared to other strategies. 

These studies show that content marketing as a lead-attracting tactic isn’t slowing down anytime soon. And using this strategy effectively has become much more difficult as the years have gone by.

The days of publishing 350-word posts and ranking in Google’s first pages are, unfortunately, fading into the past. Creating content is a much more complex discipline these days. It involves researching your marketing thoroughly, understanding your audience well, and carrying out comprehensive campaigns. 

That’s why experienced content marketers will have a higher demand in 2021. Hiring interns to churn out articles can’t work any longer, so B2B businesses will be forced to get specialists. 

Guest posting is a key part of content marketing. As this method is still a popular move for many websites, keep in mind that you’d have to create a dedicated team for this strategy. You’ll need people to reach out to other sites and talented writers for the content itself. There are also quality blogger outreach service companies that can help you reach out to sites and create great content. 

More Interactive Content

Interactive content requires visitors to be involved more. They have to do more than just click a link and scroll. Savvy B2B business owners know the potential this type of content can have to not only engage users but to also stand out from its counterparts. 

In fact, a Content Marketing Institute survey shows that 81% of marketers consider interactive content more likely to attract visitor’s attention compared to other content types.  

Generally, it can be in the form of these categories:

-Infographics — They can include engaging animation or datasets

-eBooks — You can add some video or animation to your books

-Quizzes — You can ask questions that make visitors more engaged. 

-Calculators — Visitors can input data to get some varying outcomes 

-Interactive videos — Allow consumers to decide what happens to a film’s plot. 

That said, there’s no doubt that marketers will increasingly make use of interactive content to draw leads to B2B sites. Storytelling will continue to be important for brands’ success.