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Creating a Personalized B2B Marketing Plan: Tips and Strategies

personalized B2B

Creating a Personalized B2B Marketing Plan: Tips and Strategies

In the rapidly evolving world of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, personalization has become a critical component of success. The days of generic marketing campaigns that cast a wide net and hope for some conversions are long gone. Today, customers expect tailored experiences that resonate with their specific needs and pain points. As a result, creating a personalized B2B marketing plan is essential for companies looking to stay ahead of the competition and drive meaningful results. This article will explore some tips and strategies to help you develop a personalized B2B marketing plan that delivers.

Define your target audience: The foundation of any personalized marketing plan is a deep understanding of your target audience. Start by creating buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. These personas should be based on market research, data analysis, and insights from your existing customer base. Consider factors such as demographics, industry, job roles, pain points, and buying behavior. The more you know about your target audience, the better equipped you’ll be to deliver personalized messages and experiences.

Leverage data and analytics: Data is the fuel that powers personalized marketing. Take advantage of analytics tools and CRM systems to gather valuable data about your customers and prospects. Use this data to segment your audience and identify patterns and trends. By analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and past interactions, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with each segment. Additionally, monitor campaign performance and metrics to continuously optimize and refine your strategies.

Implement marketing automation: Marketing automation technology plays a crucial role in personalizing B2B marketing efforts. Automating repetitive tasks and workflows allows you to scale your efforts while maintaining a personal touch. Use marketing automation platforms to deliver personalized content, trigger relevant email sequences based on user behavior, and dynamically customize website experiences. By automating these processes, you can deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, enhancing engagement and conversions.

Craft personalized content: Content is king, and personalized content is even more powerful. Develop a content strategy that focuses on delivering valuable, relevant, and personalized content to your target audience. Tailor your messaging to address specific pain points and challenges faced by each segment. Use a mix of formats such as blog posts, case studies, videos, infographics, and webinars to appeal to different preferences. By creating content that speaks directly to your audience, you establish credibility, trust, and authority in your industry.

Embrace account-based marketing (ABM): Account-based marketing is a highly effective strategy for personalized B2B marketing. ABM involves tailoring your marketing efforts to specific high-value accounts, treating each account as a market of one. By focusing on individual accounts, you can craft personalized messages and experiences that resonate deeply with key decision-makers. ABM often involves a combination of targeted advertising, personalized content, and direct outreach to engage and nurture these accounts throughout the buyer’s journey.

Utilize social media and influencers: Social media platforms offer excellent opportunities for personalization in B2B marketing. Identify the social channels where your target audience is most active, and craft tailored content for each platform. Engage with your audience through meaningful conversations, answer their questions, and provide valuable insights. Additionally, leverage industry influencers and thought leaders to amplify your message and increase credibility. Partnering with influencers who have a strong presence within your target audience can significantly enhance personalization efforts.

Continuously test and optimize: A personalized B2B marketing plan is an ongoing process. Continuously test different strategies, messages, and content variations to identify what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing can help you compare different approaches and optimize your campaigns based on real-time data. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click


In conclusion, creating a personalized B2B marketing plan is crucial for businesses looking to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. By tailoring your marketing efforts to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, you can establish stronger connections, build trust, and ultimately drive better results.

Throughout this article, we have explored various tips and strategies to help you develop a personalized B2B marketing plan. We began by emphasizing the importance of understanding your target audience, conducting thorough market research, and identifying key pain points and challenges they face.

Furthermore, we discussed the significance of leveraging data and analytics to gather valuable insights about your prospects and customers. By utilizing this information, you can segment your audience effectively and deliver highly targeted messages that resonate with their needs and aspirations.

Additionally, we highlighted the significance of utilizing multiple marketing channels and platforms to reach your audience. By adopting a multi-channel approach, you can maximize your brand’s visibility and engage prospects through various touchpoints, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, and events.

Moreover, we stressed the importance of personalization throughout every stage of the buyer’s journey. From crafting personalized content and offers to providing exceptional customer experiences, personalization is the key to capturing attention, nurturing leads, and fostering long-term relationships.

Finally, we discussed the significance of continuous testing, tracking, and optimization. By measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and making data-driven adjustments, you can refine your strategies and ensure you are consistently delivering value to your target audience.

In today’s ever-evolving B2B landscape, a one-size-fits-all marketing approach is no longer sufficient. By implementing the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can create a personalized B2B marketing plan that sets your business apart, establishes strong connections, and drives sustainable growth in the long run.


AI package marketing

Common Digital Marketing Mistakes You May Be Making in 2023

Your digital marketing strategy plays a major role in the success of your marketing campaign. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to make mistakes when devising your strategy, and while you can always correct those errors later, that’s time, effort, and money you won’t be able to get back. The good news is that, by identifying some of the most common digital marketing mistakes, you can know what to avoid ahead of time. That being said, here are some of the most frequent mistakes marketers are making in 2023.

Only Using One Social Media Platform

It’s always important to make sure that you’re going where your audience is. However, as we’ve seen with the recent social media migrations from Twitter to the new social media site Threads, your audience is going to be on multiple social media platforms. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket and instead spread out your social media marketing efforts to multiple platforms where you’ll receive the most engagement.

Overlooking the Competition

While some digital marketers will look at the competition to see what they need to compete against, you could be using your competition to see what you can do better. Run a competitor audit of both direct and indirect competitors with your brand. What are your competitors doing that leaves their audience hungry for more? What can you do to fill in those marketing gaps? For example, if one of your key competitors has a good PPC campaign but their landing page isn’t great, you can create a landing page that’s even better for your own PPC campaign to drive traffic to your website.

Targeting Everyone

While it may be tempting to run a digital marketing campaign that’s geared toward anyone willing to purchase your product or services, casting a wide net may not be as effective as you think. Opt to make a fictional user persona based on the data you have about your target audience to get an idea of who your target audience actually is. Don’t make assumptions based on your own biases that could potentially scew your data and hurt your marketing efforts; make sure your user persona is based on real data. Once you have your persona, you can make your marketing decisions based on that profile. 

For example, if the person in your user persona is aged 40+, you may think Facebook would be the best place for you to host your ads. However, according to Pew Research Center, up to 91% of adults aged 30-49 are on YouTube. By focusing your efforts there with YouTube ads, you may be more likely to get engagement from your target audience while spending less ad money.

Using SEO Poorly

Every business nowadays uses SEO as a way to drive web traffic. While this is a great way to get your target audience to your website, it’s important to make sure that you’re also catering to your users. A user who visits your website and sees multiple “near me” keywords or keyword-stuffed content is more likely to leave your site than stay on it. Make sure that your content is keyword-optimized in a way that feels natural and high-quality. This will help establish a trusting relationship with your target audience, and they’ll see you as an expert in your industry.

Digital marketing is one of the most popular and important marketing techniques in 2023. By avoiding the most common mistakes above, you can reduce your risk of your own campaign overspending and underperforming.


Mastering Word-of-Mouth Marketing: 10 Proven Strategies To Use In 2023

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where consumers are bombarded with advertisements and information overload, the power of word-of-mouth marketing remains unparalleled. It has evolved into a formidable force that can make or break a brand’s success. 

As we enter 2023, businesses must master this influential marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

This is your ultimate guide to harnessing the immense potential of this organic, customer-driven phenomenon. 

From leveraging the power of social media influencers to fostering authentic customer reviews, we provide you with practical techniques to ignite positive conversations around your brand.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a business owner looking to enhance your brand’s reputation, this book equips you with the tools to create a buzz that resonates with your target audience. 

Get ready to unlock the secrets of word-of-mouth marketing and pave the way for exponential growth in 2023:

What Is Word Of Mouth Marketing?

Word-of-mouth advertising, also known as word-of-mouth marketing, is a highly effective and often overlooked method of promoting a brand, organization, resource, or event. 

Its main aim is to stimulate natural conversations and discussions among the target audience, resulting in positive buzz and increased awareness at a minimal cost.

In simple terms, word-of-mouth marketing seeks to generate excitement and interest around a product or service by leveraging its customers’ efforts. The key to success lies in providing an exceptional experience that motivates people to recommend your business to others.

People generally trust the recommendations of those they know and trust, particularly when it comes to significant purchases. 

By encouraging consumers to speak positively about a product or service, word-of-mouth marketing aims to create a ripple effect, continuously attracting new customers and generating revenue for the company. It’s a powerful strategy that relies on satisfied customers’ genuine enthusiasm and advocacy.

10 Proven Word Of Mouth Marketing Strategies In 2023

  • Develop A Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing plays a vital role in word-of-mouth marketing by providing valuable and shareable content that sparks conversations and engages your target audience

Create a content strategy that delivers informative, entertaining, and relevant content across various channels, such as blogs, videos, podcasts, social media, and even offline channels such as digital signage, print, and events.

Here, you can leverage various marketing channels for content distribution and generate word-of-mouth for your products and services.

For instance, you can run specific ads on social media that could become the talk of the town. Alternatively, you can create an unforgettable in-store experience that people would love to share with their friends.

The core principle of word-of-mouth marketing is providing something awesome that people like to share. 

So, you need to create some awesome content and distribute it online through social media and blogs, as well as offline through digital screens, print, and events. According to statistics, digital screens have higher brand awareness and a higher conversion rate compared to other offline marketing channels. So, it is wise to use them as the primary marketing channel in the offline world.

Whether you use online channels, offline channels, or both, it’s important to measure the performance of your marketing channels using different metrics so that you can allocate your budget to the channels that work best for you.

  • Harness The Power Of Customer Reviews And Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings significantly impact word-of-mouth marketing. Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings on platforms like Google, Yelp, and industry-specific review sites. Highlight positive reviews and use them as testimonials on your website and marketing materials. 

Positive reviews and high ratings act as social proof, building trust and credibility for your brand. Additionally, monitor and respond to reviews addressing customer concerns or issues. 

By actively managing and leveraging customer reviews, you can shape the narrative surrounding your brand and influence word-of-mouth recommendations.

  • Engage With Industry Influencers And Thought Leaders

In addition to leveraging influencers, engage with those who have established credibility and a strong following in your niche. Collaborate with them on guest blog posts, interviews, or joint events. You can also start your own blog, podcast or youtube channel and invite them as a guest to share their expertise and knowledge with your audience. 

By associating your brand with respected authorities in your industry, you gain access to their loyal audience and benefit from their endorsement and word-of-mouth recommendations. 

Engaging with influencers and thought leaders helps establish your brand as a reputable and trustworthy source, increasing the likelihood of positive word-of-mouth from their followers.

  • Provide Exceptional Customer Support

Exceptional customer support is crucial for generating positive word-of-mouth. Invest in training and empowering your customer support team to provide prompt, personalized, and helpful customer assistance. 

You can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates by effectively addressing their queries, concerns, and issues. Additionally, consider implementing self-service options, such as comprehensive FAQs, knowledge bases, and chatbots, to provide immediate support and solutions. 

Customers receiving exceptional support are likely to share their positive experiences with others, amplifying word-of-mouth recommendations.

  • Participate In Industry Events And Networking Opportunities

Actively participate in industry events, conferences, trade shows, and networking opportunities to connect with peers, potential customers, and industry influencers. 

These events provide a platform to showcase your expertise, forge valuable relationships, and generate word-of-mouth buzz. Network with attendees, engage in meaningful conversations and share insights and knowledge. 

By making a lasting impression and establishing your brand as a valuable resource, you increase the chances of positive word-of-mouth recommendations within your industry.

  • Leverage The Power Of Social Proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people rely on the actions and opinions of others to guide their own decisions. Leverage social proof by displaying customer testimonials, case studies, and endorsements from industry experts and notable clients on your website, marketing materials, and social media platforms. 

When potential customers see that others have had positive experiences with your brand, they are more likely to trust and choose your products or services, generating valuable word-of-mouth.

  • Gamify The Word-Of-Mouth Experience

Gamification can be an effective strategy to encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Create gamified experiences or referral contests where customers can earn points, rewards, or exclusive benefits for referring friends, sharing content, or engaging with your brand. 

By tapping into people’s natural inclination for competition and rewards, you create a sense of excitement and motivation to spread the word about your brand. Gamification stimulates word-of-mouth and fosters community and fun among your customers.

  • Engage In Community Outreach And Social Responsibility Initiatives

Demonstrate your brand’s commitment to social responsibility by engaging in community outreach initiatives, philanthropy, or environmental sustainability efforts. Actively support causes and organizations that align with your brand values. 

You create a favorable impression among customers and the community by showing your dedication to making a positive impact. People are likely to support and recommend brands that actively contribute to society, resulting in positive word-of-mouth.

  • Offer Exclusive Incentives And Rewards For Referrals

To incentivize and encourage word-of-mouth recommendations, offer exclusive incentives and rewards to customers who refer others to your brand. These incentives can include discounts, freebies, early access to new products or services, or VIP treatment. 

Lucky draws and exciting discount programs are great ways to create a buzz around your product or service. You can use large digital boards to display the names of the winners every time a person wins, enhancing the overall impact of your strategy.

Additionally, you can showcase their testimonials on these digital boards to earn your customers’ trust. Running a loyalty program can also help you build a loyal customer base for your business.

By offering tangible rewards, you can motivate customers to share their positive experiences and cultivate a sense of exclusivity and gratitude.

  • Continuously Monitor And Analyze Word-Of-Mouth Metrics

Monitoring and analyzing relevant metrics is crucial to optimize your word-of-mouth marketing strategies. Utilize analytics tools to track key indicators, such as referral traffic, social media mentions, customer reviews, and sentiment analysis.

Let’s assume you are blogging in a technology-related niche. Then, you can go beyond just SEO and use word-of-mouth advertising to expand your readership. You need to measure certain metrics like referral traffic, social media engagement, questions on public forums like Quora, and brand mentions, among others.

By understanding the impact and effectiveness of your word-of-mouth efforts, you can identify areas for improvement, refine your strategies, and capitalize on successful tactics. 

Data-driven insights enable you to make informed decisions and maximize the potential of word-of-mouth marketing for your brand.

What Is The Benefit Of Word Of Mouth Marketing?

Word-of-mouth marketing offers several key benefits for businesses. Firstly, it builds trust and credibility as people are likely to trust recommendations from their friends and family. This can boost customer confidence in your brand.

Secondly, it is cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods. By focusing on creating exceptional customer experiences, businesses can generate positive buzz without significant financial investments.

Word-of-mouth marketing also expands reach and awareness as satisfied customers share their experiences with others, introducing your brand to new prospects.

Additionally, word-of-mouth marketing has a higher potential for conversion. Recommendations from trusted sources can lead to increased purchase intent.

It fosters long-term customer relationships as advocates develop loyalty and emotional connections with your brand. Moreover, word-of-mouth marketing provides a competitive advantage by differentiating your brand and positioning it as a trusted choice.

It holds viral potential, particularly in the era of social media, where positive experiences can quickly spread and create a buzz around your brand. Lastly, word-of-mouth marketing provides valuable feedback for improving products, services, and customer experience.


In today’s digital age, where consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements and information, word-of-mouth marketing has emerged as a powerful and influential strategy. 

As we venture into 2023, businesses need to master the art of word-of-mouth marketing to thrive in a competitive landscape.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a business owner looking to enhance your brand’s reputation, this guide equips you with practical techniques to create a buzz that resonates with your target audience.

Embrace the power of genuine recommendations, build trust and credibility, and let satisfied customers become your most influential advocates. With these proven strategies, your brand can thrive in the age of word-of-mouth marketing.

Author’s Bio

Nikita is a writer, marketing consultant, and co-founder at AIScreen. With over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he is passionate about his blog on marketing and business scaling.



The Benefits and Challenges of using Chatbots for Marketing and Sales

Chat Champions? Digital Allies? Virtual Assistants? Sales Saviors? Bot Boosters? And whatnot ?! Yes, you guessed it right! Chatbots are here!  Chatbots are the 24*7 virtual assistants which have completely transformed the way companies plan their customer interactions and touch points. 

These virtual agents driven by AI empower companies to interact with prospective customers in real-time, enabling quick responses, targeted suggestions, and accessibility anytime, anywhere. Chatbots optimize customer interaction, provide leads, and increase conversions by streamlining mundane tasks. 

As virtual assistants aka Chatbots evolve, it has the potential to entirely alter how companies advertise and promote their goods and services.

In this article, we will further understand what are the benefits and challenges of using Chatbots in Marketing and Sales and how we can implement them in our businesses effectively.

Implementation and Integration of Chatbots

1. Choosing the Right Chatbot Platform:

When selecting the right chatbot platform businesses should clearly evaluate their goals and objectives. For instance, An e-commerce company wants chatbots to provide similar product recommendations and deal with customer queries. Here, they would want a platform with good conversational skills and a natural language having abilities to easily integrate and handle all the conversational threads. 

2. Understanding  Chatbot Objectives and Use Cases:

Prior to beginning chatbot deployment, it’s extremely important to decide on specific targets as well as their usage. This involves choosing the exact roles, responsibilities, or tasks the chatbot will carry out, whether they’re used for finding leads, customer care, sales support, or any other specific objective. Businesses can better align their development efforts and assess performance by making the chatbot’s intended function clear.

3. Integration with Existing Systems and Data Sources:

Integrating chatbots with existing systems and data sources enables an effective and efficient workflow. It involves connecting chatbots with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, databases, e-commerce platforms, and other relevant tools. 

Benefits of Chatbots for Digital Marketing 

Imagine this: A successful online store with traffic from all over the world coming to look for Product recommendations, reviews, and solutions. The customer support team would have challenged to cope with a spike of enquiries in the past, which would have resulted in delayed responses, irate consumers and finally bouncing back. Hold on, Now enters our Saviour, The chatbot, here to revolutionize the marketing and sales industries. Campaign managers can remarketing their ad campaign through chatbots. It allows us to save customer’s data in the chat. To learn digital marketing strategy of remarketing, users can enhance their ability to reconnect with potential customers who have already shown interest in your products or services. Remarketing, also known as retargeting, involves targeting and advertising to individuals who have interacted with your website, app, or other digital channels but did not convert into customers.

Chatbots transformed customer service by offering a wide range of advantages. Customers feel heard and valued thanks to their capacity to offer quick, personalized responses, which boosts satisfaction and trust. Chatbots are readily accessible 24/7 and are no longer restricted by time zones or working hours, guaranteeing that no client enquiry goes unanswered and potential leads are never lost in the emptiness of slow pace responses.

But it goes further than that. Chatbots elevate the client experience by providing tailored interactions. They have the ability to comprehend client preferences, purchase histories, and surfing behavior through sophisticated algorithms and data analysis. With this information, chatbots can make specialized product recommendations and suggestions, enticing customers with a distinctive touch.

Challenges of Using Chatbots for Marketing and Sales

As the wave of Chatbots is here to revolutionize, businesses must also understand it has a specific set of hurdles that must be surmounted.

The task of safeguarding data security and privacy is one of the challenges which should not be understated. Customer interaction, data collection, and sensitive data processing are all done by chatbots. Businesses must make sure that they have strong security protocols in place to safeguard customer privacy, adhere to rules, and avoid data breaches.

Another challenge is striking the ideal balance between automation and human engagement. Even while chatbots are quick and effective, some customers still prefer human assistance, especially in difficult or sensitive circumstances. To deliver the greatest possible customer experience, it is essential to strike a balance between automated responses and seamless handoffs to human agents.

Last but not least, controlling client expectations is a constant struggle. Although technologically advanced, chatbots have their limitations. Customers could have irrational expectations or get angry if the chatbot cannot meet their individual requirements.

Conclusion: Final Thoughts on the Future of Chatbots in  Digital Marketing

In conclusion, chatbots have become effective companions in the field of marketing and sales, providing a variety of advantages while creating particular difficulties. Chatbots have a huge potential to influence how customers connect in the future as technology develops.

The advantages of chatbots are obvious. They boost consumer interaction, offer individualized experiences, produce leads, and encourage conversions. Chatbots make guarantees that no client question goes unanswered with their 24/7 availability and quick responses. Additionally, their capacity for automating repetitive jobs frees up time and resources, allowing human agents to concentrate on more strategic responsibilities.

Future prospects for chatbots in sales and marketing, including career in digital marketing, are promising. Among the advancements that will shape the landscape are enhancements in natural language processing, integration with voice and virtual assistants, growth into multichannel and social media platforms, and improved personalization and predictive capabilities.

In conclusion, chatbots are redefining how companies interact with customers, boost revenues, and automate operations. Chatbots will surely play a crucial role in determining the future of marketing and sales, helping companies stay competitive in a more digital and customer-centric world.

Author Bio

Neha Pande is an experienced content manager with over 5+ years of experience, she specializes in creating engaging content that helps individuals and businesses thrive in the digital marketing world. Her expertise covers a wide range of topics, including SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and email marketing. 

With a commitment to excellence, Neha consistently seeks to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving digital marketing & technological landscape. She remains an avid learner, continuously expanding her knowledge and skillset to deliver innovative and results-driven solutions to her clients at The Upthrust. 


machine iot

Machine Learning and Creativity: Advertising and Marketing Sectors to Undergo a Paradigm Shift

Machine learning has the potential to revolutionize the marketing industry by automating processes and making campaigns more effective. In recent years, such advanced algorithms have also become more adept at creative processes. This has helped integration with and creation of novel advertisement strategies that help brands stand out in the market. 

Artificial intelligence known as “machine learning” enables software applications to gain knowledge and execute processes on their own. This allows the software to function without being explicitly programmed for certain tasks. 

Machine learning analyses massive volumes of data in digital marketing to gather insights, spot trends, and provide forecasts.

Machine learning (ML) has the power to improve audience targeting, increase personalization, and optimize customer engagement. It is a potent technology that makes use of data analytics to forecast customer behavior and enhance marketing initiatives. 

Spotify is a well-known music platform that creates tailored playlists for users. Amazon suggesting items to consumers and Netflix customizing content recommendations are all processes underscored by the extensive use of ML.

Predicting consumer behavior, such as figuring out which clients are most likely to complete a purchase, is one important application field. Upon examining client information, and relevant data like surfing habits, machine learning algorithms can help customize and target brand messaging.

As per Future Market Insights (FMI), the global machine learning as a service market is likely to benefit from supervised learning and surging demand from the retail sector.

Power of Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics, a subset of machine learning, has the ability to analyze large amounts of data and predict future outcomes with high accuracy. In creative industries, this technology can be used to identify consumer behavior patterns and high-value markets for the best growth opportunities.  

Companies can now create more relevant, personalized content that resonates with their target audience, resulting in high engagement rates and increased conversions. 

For instance, Netflix is using predictive analytics for its online marketing. Netflix analyses user data, including viewing history and ratings, using machine learning algorithms to forecast which movies and TV episodes a user would like. As a result, they can tailor suggestions for each user, which boosts customer retention.

Nascent Consciousness vs. Algorithms – Can Machines Really Be Creative?

As machine learning algorithms become increasingly sophisticated, there is growing interest in their potential to be creative. Some experts believe that with enough data, machines can not only identify patterns but generate novel ideas and solutions that human minds might overlook. 

Others argue that true creativity requires the human touch and that machines can only produce what they have been programmed to do. However, the reality is that machine learning algorithms are already being used to create impactful campaigns in marketing and advertising. 

Several companies are already using machine learning algorithms to develop entire marketing campaigns, from concept to execution. These algorithms can create ads, analyze consumer behavior, and optimize campaign performance in real time.

While machines might not yet be able to match the nuances of human creativity, they can certainly supplement it. Its ability to process vast amounts of data rapidly and accurately is the key differentiator from other tools used in marketing. 

This has rendered machine learning an indispensable tool for campaign managers looking to make an impact on customers.

End of Interruption Marketing – How Personalization Changing the Game

Personalization is transforming marketing and advertising by allowing brands to tailor messages and experiences to individual customers. This signals an end to the traditional approach of interruption marketing. ‘One size fits all’ strategies have been abandoned for a shift towards relevant and targeted messaging that resonates with customers. 

Machine learning is at the heart of this transformation. It allows marketers to gather and analyze vast amounts of customer data to gain insights into their spending and internet habits. This data allows for the delivery of highly personalized content across a range of channels, from email and social media to in-store experiences.

The benefits of personalization are clear. According to research by MarTech, tailored promotional emails increase sales by six times more for each instance than non-personalized emails.

Personalization isn’t a new concept. However, the level of sophistication and scale allowed by machine learning has improved vastly. By using algorithms to analyze customer data in real time, marketers can tailor messages and experiences on the fly. This makes for a highly personalized journey for each individual customer.

Consequently, marketing becomes less about selling and more about creating meaningful connections with customers. Brands that can build these connections are likely to thrive in an age where customers are increasingly sceptical of traditional advertising and sales practices.

 Machine Learning Algorithm to Analyze Consumer Behaviour 

With the vast amount of data generated from online activity, machine learning algorithms are able to analyze consumer behavior and provide insights that were previously impossible to obtain. By tracking consumer preferences, interests, and behavior patterns, marketing and advertising strategies. 

Companies have optimized to reach the right audience at the right time with personalized messaging. Machine learning is allowing marketers to better understand their target audience and make data-driven decisions to drive business growth.

The Future of Machines: Learning & Creating

The future of machine learning in creative industries is exciting and full of potential. With advancements in technology, we can expect to see even more personalized and targeted advertising campaigns that cater to individual needs and preferences. 

For instance, Pecan AI stated in February 2023 that its portfolio of automated, low-code predictive analytics tools now includes marketing mix modeling (MMM).

Machine learning algorithms will continue to provide invaluable insights into consumer behavior over the coming years. It enables companies to optimize their marketing strategies to out-sell competition. Machine learning is advancing at a rapid rate and is set to transform the way people think about creativity and innovation.

As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to evolve, the future of creativity is looking increasingly automated. 

Although machines might never fully replace human ingenuity, they will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping market ploys. Marketing and advertising content is on track to undergo a paradigm shift in how it is delivered to larger audiences. The key will be to find the right balance between human creativity and the power of machine computing.

Author Bio

Mohit Shrivastava has more than 10 years of experience in market research and intelligence in developing and delivering more than 100+ Syndicate and Consulting engagements across ICT, Electronics and Semiconductor industries. His core expertise is in consulting engagements and custom projects, especially in the domains of Cybersecurity, Big Data & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud. He is an avid business data analyst with a keen eye on business modeling and helping in intelligence-driven decision-making for clients.

Mohit holds an MBA in Marketing and Finance. He is also a Graduate in Engineering in Electronics & Communication.


AI package marketing

Packaging Marketing: What It Is and How to Succeed

Marketing has gone beyond using digital platforms to create awareness for your products and services. Your product itself has become a marketing tool. Packaging marketing refers to the tactics and strategies used to design, create and promote the packaging of a product including the materials used in creating it and the messaging and branding used on the packaging. Packaging marketing will help your product stand out, ultimately leading to increased sales.  In this article, we will show you how your company can market its business through packaging.

  • Product Information

When prospective buyers do not have sufficient knowledge of your product, it can deter them from buying. One of the ways to ensure this does not happen is by including all the necessary information about the products such as their ingredients, uses, usage instructions, and benefits on the product package. For instance, if a buyer picks your product off the shelf in a store in order to examine it (they probably have never seen it before), getting all the information they need from the package will enhance their decision to purchase such a product.

  • Branding

The packaging of your products should reflect your company’s branding and be consistent with the company’s overall image. Use the packaging to show this. Make it so unique and different that clients are well attracted to it. This can be done through your company’s logo, tagline, or even color scheme. You can even partner with packing companies to help you with packing solutions that will make your product stand out from that of your competitors. Packaging companies such as OriginPac have a team of experts that specializes in product packaging, eye-catching customizations, and top-notch packaging designs.

  • Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing. You can also use it in a way to complement your packaging marketing. This can be done by using the packaging to encourage customers to share images of the products on social media with a unique hashtag or account handle. This will spell great visibility for your product because it will reach a larger number of people and usually, people are attracted by what they see. You could also use the packaging to create a number of interactive elements that can engage consumers such as QR codes, games, or augmented reality.

  • Sampling

Through the packaging of one product, you can introduce other products to your prospective customers. You could use the packaging of a particular product to include samples of related or complementary products. For instance, you sell beauty products, particularly moisturizing lotions, but you have been looking to expand into selling essential oils.  You could easily just add a sample oil as a bonus gift and include it in the packaging of the product. When people try out the oil and see that it works, they will demand a larger bottle, ultimately increasing your sales.

  • Limited Edition Packaging

To get people to buy your product, you need to employ the techniques of scarcity, urgency, and exclusivity. This also works for product packaging. You can create and introduce limited edition packaging for a certain product within a limited period of time, making such products special and more valuable in the eyes of the public. This will create a sense of exclusivity for the product and people will rush to buy before it goes out of stock.

  • Specific Industries for Your Packaging

Depending on what product you are selling you should make sure that the packaging that you choose to present to your customers should be something unique to make your brand stand out but something within the frames. For example, if you have a beauty product, you should ask the professionals of packaging to create something that appeals to the senses of shoppers. Or if you have a cannabis company, make sure to choose customized cannabis packaging that would make your product secure and appealing to customers. 

  • Personalization

Though not applicable to all kinds of businesses, it is still very much relevant for brands that deal with customized gifts. Consumers love it when you go the extra mile for them, especially when it has to do with personalization. Allow customers to personalize the packaging of products purchased from you. You can do this by adding their name to the product pack in a beautiful, natural manner or by including a personalized message to show appreciation.

  • Functionality.

It is easy to discourage customers from purchasing your product again when the packaging is bad. No one wants to buy a product with a damaged pack or difficult-to-open seal. Make sure that the package you are using for your product is durable, sustainable, and user-friendly. However, it is important to note that in the course of finding durable packages, make sure that they are also cost-effective so that they do not affect the price of your product.


By using these marketing techniques, companies can leverage packaging as a potent marketing tool. This will, in turn, help them to attract and engage consumers/customers, build brand awareness, increase brand visibility and ultimately drive sales and profits.


AI package marketing

Small Businesses – Here’s How You Can Improve your Digital Marketing in the Blink of an AI

Technology is advancing at an extremely fast pace – just look at how quickly ChatGPT has become a household name. It has dominated news cycles and in only 4-5 months, it’s also heightened our awareness and understanding of where, and how, artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting our lives. From digital assistants like Siri, to predicting customer behavior and preferences, AI is everywhere now.

Whether you know it or not, AI has also been a core technology in marketing for years. Most product recommendation engines run on some form of AI, and we have used AI for years at Constant Contact to power things like subject line recommendations in our email marketing platform. The difference between where AI has been used in the past and its applications today is that it is much more capable – particularly when it comes to creating content.

AI is sophisticated enough now, and has a big enough dataset, that it can decipher text, react to engagement patterns, anticipate responses and recognize images. As you can imagine, this lends itself perfectly to digital marketing, where the objective is to deliver the perfect marketing message to every customer every time. 

With such an in-depth understanding of how a consumer behaves, AI can help businesses make purchase recommendations, analyze product fit, and create better content with more precise targeting. If you’re a small business marketer, there’s no reason to not use this technology to your advantage. 

Here are some easy ways small businesses can start using AI in their marketing strategy.

Personalize messages and offers for your customers

Leverage AI’s deep learning capabilities to amp up the experience your customers have when they interact with your business. One of the best ways to do that is by tailoring your marketing to share content that meets their needs. 

AI can recognize if a person abandoned their online cart, and what types of products they have purchased in the past. It can also determine whether they prefer to be texted, or if email is their go-to channel for reading messages from their favorite brands. That type of analysis is invaluable as a marketer because instead of guessing what your customers will engage with, you can make decisions based on real-world data. Leverage that information to send more applicable messages and deals to your customers, and in doing so, they will be more likely to convert to a sale. 

Banish writer’s block once and for all

Writing is difficult, and as a small business marketer, it can feel daunting to think about having to sit down and write an entire email or text campaign to your customers. And, it has to be good! Luckily, AI is here to help.

Instead of spending hours fighting writer’s block for your next campaign, let AI do the heavy lifting for you. There are several AI-powered writing tools available that can help businesses get a jump start on content creation and save valuable time in the process. Our AI Content Generator at Constant Contact is purpose-built for small businesses. It allows our customers to automate the writing process for their marketing campaigns, which saves time and resources while still creating high-quality content.

Write social media posts

Sometimes, you just don’t have the energy to create an engaging and informative social media post – let alone multiple posts for all the different platforms you are managing. That’s ok, you’re human! So, why not ask AI to do it for you?

Using AI to write social media posts can help small businesses maintain a consistent presence on social media, engage with their audience and even attract new followers. The best AI content generators will even give you multiple options to choose from. However, it’s still important to ensure the content feels authentic to your voice and doesn’t sound like it was written by a chatbot. Double-check before posting, and then move on to other areas of running your business.

One last note on AI content generation

AI-generated content can be informational, informative, and even fun. However, it’s important to note that AI is often just a baseline to get you started. The real value still comes from sharing your story and connecting with your audience.

It’s up to you to ensure that any content you generate using artificial intelligence is not only original and helpful, but that it’s also accurate, honest, and aligns with your brand values. Most importantly, you want to make sure that the content sounds like you and speaks to your customers in a way that makes them feel valued.

Dave Charest is the Director of Small Business Success at Constant Contact which delivers everything small businesses and nonprofits need to build, grow, and succeed.


3 Marketing Channels You Shouldn’t Scale Back in a Recession

When a potential recession is looming, it’s only sensible to explore which spending commitments your business could scale back on. But with past lessons learned and many brands pledging to continue their marketing spend throughout 2023’s predicted recession, business owners should consider the downturn an opportunity to hone in on those core digital marketing channels that need to remain strong and resilient.

But which digital marketing channels are best at delivering a strong return on investment in times of uncertainty?

Gareth Hoyle, Managing Director of search marketing agency Marketing Signals, looks back at how businesses approached marketing activity during previous recessions, and which channels he believes should be the focus of increased activity during a recession:


  1. Cutting back on SEO could give your competitors a boost

In times of recession, consumer spending habits often change, which is why effective Search Engine Optimization campaigns are essential for brands to get a better understanding of these variations to continue to attract new and existing customers. SEO relies on quantifiable keywords and search volumes to break down what your target audience is actively searching for online.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Google searches for food, electrical goods, clothing, e-learning and even insurance shot up year on year. So even during a worldwide health catastrophe, people were still flocking to Google for answers, questions and products.

SEO provides businesses with the opportunity to rank higher on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). When done correctly this will increase the amount of relevant traffic a site can earn, and as a consequence, will also drive increased revenue – all at an unrivalled ROI compared to other digital marketing channels.

So, for an ambitious business looking to grow their online revenue, scaling back on SEO means curtailing the impact of the marketing channel with the highest ROI. The combination of an ever growing level of consumer demand (search volume) coupled with relevance, measurability and scalability make SEO one of the most effective digital marketing channels, regardless of how the wider economy is performing.

If you are still unsure then you should ask yourself this: If you decide to cut your investment in SEO activity, what will the future look like for your brand online? The answer is those competitors that continue to invest in SEO will be moving ahead of you while your business either stands still (or worse moves backwards). Furthermore, how will you feel about having less organic visibility and a shrinking share of voice for the most competitive keywords? Remember this also: in terms of online marketing, standing still is in some cases going backwards very quickly – sometimes you may be investing just to maintain your current position in competitive markets. Thus, imagine what would happen if you stopped investing in SEO entirely (or even just reduce your spend).

  1. Increase your brand awareness and site authority through Digital PR 

A solid link-building strategy is a prerequisite for good rankings, as search engines use links as the primary means of determining how authoritative a site is within any given industry. In other words, the better links you have, the more credibility you’ll have with Google, and the more organic traffic and sales you can potentially drive.

Of course there are many different types of link building strategies you can pursue, however, the one that is likely to drive the most authoritative links is Digital PR. Links from Digital PR activity, if executed well, will include top tier coverage from a mixture of national or local press, plus trade and industry publications. These links will last the test of time and will help drive traffic to your site, as well as boosting your overall domain authority.

One thing to note with Digital PR: it often drives the best links to a site, and as a consequence it often costs the most to execute. However if you follow this argument logically, by reducing or stopping your Digital PR activity, you stand to lose (or reduce the impact of) the most important link building channel. Moreover, during a recession could be the ideal time to exploit the fact that there is potentially less activity from your competitors. Remember journalists whether local, national or trade still need content to fill their column inches with, regardless of the state of the economy.

  1. Utilize PPC campaigns to keep your brand competitive on search engines

In dark financial and economic periods, the level of comfort and trust that people have in Google shines through. And with 54.4% of all clicks coming from the top 3 search results on Google, having the right PPC ads is essential in order to maximise the commercial opportunities open to digital marketers

Let’s face it, whether people are spending or not during a recession, they’re constantly consuming information online, and by proxy, your ad campaigns. Who can resist such a simple but effective way of keeping your brand name at the forefront of search engines when other companies are looking to shrink theirs?

By continuing to advertise via Pay-Per-Click during a downturn you can push your business forward and potentially get ahead of your competitors who may have reduced their click budgets. How many chances do you have to capitalise on an opportunity like this and continue growing your brand’s momentum?

In times when consumers are eager for simple and straightforward answers to their searches, your tight but informative content can improve your Quality Score on Google, providing you with ads that may appear more often.

For internal business practices and overall account structure, being able to split your target keywords into smaller groups will also give you more understanding of which terms work best and where you may need to reassess your game plan.

Short-term thinking vs long-term business goals 

No one can blame a business for looking for short-term cash saving measures like cutting their marketing spend. That said, the problem lies in how to regain that momentum you had pre-downturn once you’ve made cuts, and how you’re going to catch up with the brands that pushed on in order to achieve those long-term goals.

Like anything in life, it’s the future rewards of sticking to a clear path that provide you with the fruits of your investment. With modern consumers willing to change their allegiance to brands that exude strength and consistency in uncertain times, scaling back your marketing spend could mean you fade into the background compared to other businesses who may continue to invest in marketing activities.

While nobody is asking you to start marketing more aggressively, this potential downturn should be considered a time of reflection that allows you to keep the best channels at your disposal running smoothly.

If your business can remain in sight of the consumer, the strength and authority of your band will shine through. In turn, you’ll be on the path to greater success on the other side of this recession, while your competition misses the boat entirely.


Expert Tips on How to Develop an Unforgettable Tagline

As an entrepreneur aspiring for success, you must know the importance of building a solid brand through your business name, tone, and taglines. A tagline is a one-liner that expresses the essence of your brand and communicates its values and purpose to potential customers. 

A memorable tagline immediately impacts people’s perceptions of your business and can be the difference between a great brand and a poor one. This article will provide advice on creating an unforgettable tagline that aligns with your business, strengths, and passions.

5 Tips and Strategies to Creating an Unforgettable Tagline

  • Gather Good Tagline Ideas

Creating a strong and unique tagline requires careful thought and consideration. And the foundation for every great tagline is an equally great idea. 

When looking for fantastic tagline ideas, consider using metaphors, imagery, and wordplay. These can help make your tagline more memorable and captivating. For example, you might use the phrase “Unlock your desire for more” to emphasize the potential of your products or services being the best your clients have had. 

But be careful to make sure it’s unique and not cliched. One of your tagline’s primary goals should be to stand out from the competition. Look at the words that you use and make sure that your tagline is different from the other taglines in your industry.

  • Create Unique Taglines that Align With Your Brand

Creating a unique tagline that suits your brand is not an easy task. You need to come up with a phrase that accurately reflects your core values and mission while being memorable and fun. 

To get started, you’ll need to understand your business and diligently write a summary of your brand’s mission and vision. Doing this will make it easier for you to brainstorm or use a reliable naming service to find a captivating tagline.

  • Outline and Test Your Tagline Ideas

Once you have a list of potential tagline suggestions, Consider how you could use each of them to communicate the values of your business and how you can use each phrase to convey a unique message to your audience. 

Writing down your tagline ideas on paper or a digital notepad can help you view all your ideas at once and keep you on track in the screening process.

You should also test the tagline ideas with potential customers to ensure that they accurately reflect the values of your business. Use audience testing to make sure your tagline is memorable and resonates with your target market. 

  • Your Tagline Must be Relevant to Your Audience

When crafting a tagline for your brand, you should always consider your target market and the values and ideals they favor and are likely to appreciate. Your tagline should be tailored to appeal to this particular demographic. For example, if your target audience is young professionals, you might choose a tagline emphasizing success or innovation.

Make sure that your tagline is a phrase that resonates with your target audience and grabs their attention. It should evoke an emotional response and make them think about the potential of your business. It should also be easy to remember and say.

  • Ensure You Research Your Competition

Before you settle on a tagline, you should do some research on your competition. Consider your competitors’ brands and how they are communicating their values to their audience through their taglines. 

Consider how these taglines compare to yours and note what makes them successful, and avoid any pitfalls they have encountered.

Lastly, make sure your tagline avoids trademark conflicts. For your tagline to benefit your company, you have to ensure it does not violate any existing trademarks.

Examples of Unique Taglines

While crafting a tagline for your business, it’s always helpful to look at the taglines of successful companies. Consider Apple’s “Think Different,” Nike’s “Just Do It,” and McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It.”

These taglines have helped make these brands as popular as they are today, so it would make sense to look into what made them successful in the first place.

Why These Taglines Work

These taglines all have one thing in common – they have a strong emotional appeal. They evoke a feeling of excitement, passion, and ambition.  Not to mention that these taglines are also relevant to their target audience and demonstrate the values and purpose of their respective companies. 

Finding a Great Tagline is Important

When trying to create a good first impression on your potential customers, having a solid brand always helps. Creating an awesome tagline can help build a strong brand for your business and its products that would catch customers’ attention and cause them to consider your brand.

Always remember that great taglines use metaphor, imagery, and wordplay to be more memorable. They are also relevant to the target audience and demonstrate the values and purpose of the respective companies. 

Grant Polachek is the head of branding at Squadhelp, a 3X Inc. 5000 business that creates distinctive, attractive, and memorable brand names for both established and start-up businesses. We have gone through more than a million names and gathered a comprehensive list of distinctive domain and company names that’ll be perfect for founders everywhere.


The Complete Guide to Lead Capture (And Why It's Important)

The Complete Guide to Lead Capture (And Why It’s Important)

Reaching target audiences is proving to be more difficult than ever. The marketplace doesn’t appreciate the usual mass advertising and email blast campaigns. So, companies are looking for ways to apply a more client-targeted approach.

Leading capture is a unique approach to recording enormous success for different industries. Lead capture is crucial to every business, especially without a significant target audience. It comprises several benefits that would take your business from the ground upward. With this in mind, let’s dive deeper into lead capture.

What is Lead Capture?

A lead is a buyer that shows interest in buying for your business. Lead capture is collecting adequate and valuable information about leads. It aims at converting leads to actual buyers.

Most businesses use the lead capture form, which clients must fill out and submit personal information to an organization. A business would then analyze the customer data, noting down potential leads that they can convert and maintain as loyal customers.

Thankfully, with technological advances, companies can now use a fast, easy-to-use, convenient lead capture app. The reliable lead tracking app integrates easily, making the lead capture process a shared task for quicker results. Take a picture of the lead source wherever you are and share it with the sales team.

Lead collection can be effortless and convenient if companies use suitable lead capture tools. A sales lead app proves more efficient because of real-time lead capture and reporting. Since everyone in the team can use it, the sales lead app maximizes the ears and eyes on the ground regarding customers.

Companies can capture several customer contact points like websites, social media, and emails. In trade events, a lead capture app is a potential solution for event organizers to capture, qualify, and follow up with leads. Consequently, organizers can access event data to find vital insights, making them host future events based on analytics.

Importance for Lead Capture and Tips to Implement It 

In short, zero leads will always result in zero sales. Therefore, lead capturing is vital for most businesses that want to make and improve revenue.

Even though an organization has other important goals, a more significant focus should be on lead tracking. With excellent execution, lead capture can foster potential buyers from faltering interest to true and loyal customers. 

Check out below why your business needs lead capture services to grow.

  • Helps in Targeting Customers 

Source: Pexels

Lead capturing can help you track down and collect information about your customers’ needs and preferences. This is possible despite the customers’ locations. Ultimately, you’ll be able to customize your product or service to suit their wants, needs, and preferences.

Nonetheless, the quality of the leads is more important than the quantity. To achieve quality, you must create a client profile that includes all the excellent qualities your desired leads should possess. 

This way, you’ll identify and focus more on the most ideal prospects to direct your sales strategy too. Hence, you’ll save time, energy, and money instead of chasing after unreliable and unfruitful leads.

  • Increases Conversion Rates 

Sadly, most of the generated leads you will not convert to the sale phase. But worry not. To increase the number of converted leads, you’ll need to be skilled and patient in nurturing the lead. This will help you enter into the sales cycle. But how do you nurture the leads?

The best way would be to establish grounds for a solid relationship with your leads. Call or email them and erase any doubts or answer all questions regarding your products or services.

This process shouldn’t be challenging because you’ll not do it all at once. You’ll frequently check on your leads or send customized email campaigns to ensure the communication doesn’t die. In the end, your potential leads will start gaining trust and increase the chances of conversions.

  • Establishes Brand Awareness

Brand awareness means how well customers know your brand in a specific market. With more people knowing about your brand, your reputation grows, leading to high-profit potential.

Lead capturing informs your target audience more about your business, generating a ‘word-of-mouth opportunity. When you focus on lead collection, you use relevant content to form relationships with prospects.

Using this strategy in the sales funnel will enable trust and credibility from your potential buyers. Subsequently, they’ll pay more attention to your business, granting it more awareness and converting potential clients to actual buyers.

  • Boosts Better Return on Investment (ROI)

A popular answer on the importance of lead capture is that it has a high return on investment. Every business aims to spend efforts on any activity that generates high ROI.

The lead-capturing strategy is straightforward and clear. This makes it easy for the sales team to adapt and produce clear goals.

Suppose a marketing team knows where and what to look for; they save time, money, and resources. In the end, they become productive and effective in all they do. Once everything is in place, a company can reap heavily from high ROI.

  • Enhances Cost-Effectiveness in Business

Advertising is inevitable for every successful business. Thus, a company must select a suitable and productive marketing strategy. Most importantly, finding a cheaper but effective option would be ideal. Lead capture is that option.

Usually, lead prices vary depending on quality, ranging from $5 to $500 per lead. But how do you determine the quality of a lead? The pricing of a lead in terms of quality depends on the difficulty of getting that lead. 

Some leads are a far stretch for marketers but very worthwhile to capture. The general rule is; a lead nearer and easier to a source is cheap and of lower quality. Though it may seem difficult to achieve higher-quality leads, it’s indeed possible. Determination is key! Remember, high-quality leads contribute to higher conversion rates. And, it enhances cost-effectiveness.

Thankfully, you can capture leads according to your budget without overstretching. This makes it a very cost-effective marketing strategy.  

Wrapping Up

Despite being a major headache for marketers, your business can benefit significantly through lead capture. Understand that, building a successful brand takes time. Your focus should be on nurturing your social media presence, creating quality content, and establishing solid email marketing campaigns.

Ultimately, you must move out of your comfort zone and expend energy on things that matter- lead track being a topmost priority. While you may not gain over 100% in growing your leads quickly, consistency and determination will get you through.