U.S. Cosmetics Exports
In February 2023, overseas shipments of cosmetics decreased by -3.3% to 14K tons, falling for the fourth month in a row after three months of growth. In general, exports, however, trend pattern. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in March 2022 when exports increased by 28% month-to-month.
In value terms, cosmetics exports expanded slightly to $487M (IndexBox estimates) in February 2023. The total export value increased at an average monthly rate of +1.2% from February 2022 to February 2023; the trend pattern remained relatively stable, with somewhat noticeable fluctuations throughout the analyzed period. The pace of growth appeared the most rapid in March 2022 when exports increased by 27% against the previous month.
Exports by Country
Canada (2K tons), China (1.4K tons) and the UK (1.3K tons) were the main destinations of cosmetics exports from the United States, with a combined 34% share of total exports. These countries were followed by Mexico, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Singapore, the Netherlands, Belgium, South Korea, Malaysia and Switzerland, which together accounted for a further 37%.
From February 2022 to February 2023, the most notable rate of growth in terms of shipments, amongst the main countries of destination, was attained by Malaysia (with a CAGR of +6.9%), while the other leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
In value terms, the largest markets for cosmetics exported from the United States were Canada ($110M), China ($59M) and Australia ($37M), together comprising 42% of total exports. These countries were followed by the UK, Singapore, France, Mexico, Switzerland, South Korea, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands and Malaysia, which together accounted for a further 34%.
Singapore, with a CAGR of +6.3%, saw the highest rates of growth with regard to the value of exports, in terms of the main countries of destination over the period under review, while shipments for the other leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Exports by Type
Beauty, make-up and skin care preparations (11K tons) was the largest type of cosmetics exported from the United States, accounting for a 83% share of total exports. Moreover, beauty, make-up and skin care preparations exceeded the volume of the second product type, manicure or pedicure preparations (680 tons), more than tenfold. Lip make-up preparations (610 tons) ranked third in terms of total exports with a 4.5% share.
From February 2022 to February 2023, the average monthly rate of growth in terms of the volume of export of beauty, make-up and skin care preparations was relatively modest. With regard to the other exported products, the following average monthly rates of growth were recorded: manicure or pedicure preparations (-0.3% per month) and lip make-up preparations (+3.9% per month).
In value terms, beauty, make-up and skin care preparations ($369M) remains the largest type of cosmetics exported from the United States, comprising 76% of total exports. The second position in the ranking was taken by lip make-up preparations ($38M), with a 7.8% share of total exports. It was followed by talcum powder and other powders for cosmetic use, with a 6.7% share.
From February 2022 to February 2023, the average monthly rate of growth in terms of the export volume of beauty, make-up and skin care preparations stood at +1.1%. With regard to the other exported products, the following average monthly rates of growth were recorded: lip make-up preparations (+4.5% per month) and talcum powder and other powders for cosmetic use (+2.1% per month).
Export Prices by Country
In February 2023, the cosmetics price stood at $35,779 per ton (FOB, US), surging by 8% against the previous month. In general, the export price recorded a relatively flat trend pattern. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in December 2022 an increase of 16% m-o-m. As a result, the export price reached the peak level of $35,915 per ton. From January 2023 to February 2023, the the average export prices remained at a lower figure.
There were significant differences in the average prices for the major foreign markets. In February 2023, the country with the highest price was Switzerland ($58,624 per ton), while the average price for exports to Malaysia ($17,227 per ton) was amongst the lowest.
From February 2022 to February 2023, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was recorded for supplies to Singapore (+3.3%), while the prices for the other major destinations experienced more modest paces of growth.