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Hampered by the Pandemic, the Global MDF Market to Pursue Only Measured Growth


Hampered by the Pandemic, the Global MDF Market to Pursue Only Measured Growth

IndexBox has just published a new report: ‘World – MDF – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights’. Here is a summary of the report’s key findings.

The global MDF market declined slightly to $45.9B in 2019, which is down by -4.8% against the previous year. This figure reflects the total revenues of producers and importers (excluding logistics costs, retail marketing costs, and retailers’ margins, which will be included in the final consumer price). The market value increased at an average annual rate of +1.4% from 2013 to 2019; the trend pattern remained consistent, with only minor fluctuations being observed in certain years. The pace of growth appeared the most rapid in 2018 with an increase of 13% y-o-y. As a result, consumption reached the peak level of $48.2B and then fell modestly in the following year.

Consumption by Country

China (53M cubic meters) Fremains the largest MDF consuming country worldwide, accounting for 52% of total volume. Moreover, MDF consumption in China exceeded the figures recorded by the second-largest consumer, the U.S. (4.6M cubic meters), more than tenfold. The third position in this ranking was occupied by Turkey (4.4M cubic meters), with a 4.3% share.

In China, MDF consumption remained relatively stable over the period from 2013-2019. In the other countries, the average annual rates were as follows: the U.S. (+3.4% per year) and Turkey (+0.7% per year).

In value terms, China ($24.5B) led the market, alone. The second position in the ranking was occupied by the U.S. ($2.9B). It was followed by Turkey.

The countries with the highest levels of MDF per capita consumption in 2019 were Belarus (178 cubic meters per 1000 persons), Poland (89 cubic meters per 1000 persons) and Turkey (53 cubic meters per 1000 persons). Moreover, MDF per capita consumption in Belarus exceeded the figures recorded by the world’s second-largest consumer, Poland, twofold.

Market Forecast to 2030

Taking into account the vulnerability of the construction sector to the pandemic, as well as reduced investment and consumer spending, it is expected that in 2020, global consumption of MDF declined somewhat against 2019. in the medium term, as the global economy recovers from the effects of the pandemic, the market is expected to grow gradually, driven by rising population and recovering incomes. Overall, market performance is forecast to pursue a slightly upward trend over the next decade, expanding with an anticipated CAGR of +1.1% for the period from 2019 to 2030, which is projected to bring the market volume to 115M cubic meters (IndexBox estimates) by the end of 2030.


In 2019, the amount of MDF produced worldwide reduced slightly to 102M cubic meters, leveling off at 2018 figures. The total output volume increased at an average annual rate of +2.3% from 2013 to 2019; the trend pattern remained consistent, with only minor fluctuations in certain years.

Production by Country

China (55M cubic meters) constituted the country with the largest volume of mdf production, accounting for 54% of total volume. Moreover, MDF production in China exceeded the figures recorded by the second-largest producer, Turkey (4.8M cubic meters), more than tenfold. Brazil (4.5M cubic meters) ranked third in terms of total production with a 4.4% share.

In China, MDF production remained relatively stable over the period from 2013-2019. In the other countries, the average annual rates were as follows: Turkey (+1.9% per year) and Brazil (+1.5% per year).


Global MDF imports dropped to 14M cubic meters in 2019, shrinking by -8.1% on the previous year. In general, imports, however, showed a relatively flat trend pattern. The most prominent rate of growth was recorded in 2018 with an increase of 8% year-to-year. As a result, imports attained the peak of 16M cubic meters and then shrank in the following year. In value terms, mdf imports dropped to $6.5B (IndexBox estimates) in 2019.

Imports by Country

In 2019, the U.S. (1.5M cubic meters), followed by the UK (581K cubic meters), Italy (573K cubic meters), Japan (524K cubic meters), the Netherlands (495K cubic meters), Poland (478K cubic meters), France (469K cubic meters), Germany (445K cubic meters), Saudi Arabia (406K cubic meters), the United Arab Emirates (378K cubic meters), Belgium (374K cubic meters), Uzbekistan (364K cubic meters) and Mexico (361K cubic meters) were the major importers of mdf, together comprising 49% of total imports.

Imports into the U.S. increased at an average annual rate of +5.3% from 2013 to 2019. At the same time, Poland (+24.6%), Uzbekistan (+19.9%), Belgium (+8.3%), the Netherlands (+3.9%), Germany (+2.8%) and the UK (+1.2%) displayed positive paces of growth. Moreover, Poland emerged as the fastest-growing importer imported in the world, with a CAGR of +24.6% from 2013-2019. Italy, Japan and the United Arab Emirates experienced a relatively flat trend pattern. By contrast, Mexico (-4.2%), France (-4.3%) and Saudi Arabia (-9.0%) illustrated a downward trend over the same period.

In value terms, the U.S. ($895M) constitutes the largest market for imported mdf worldwide, comprising 14% of global imports. The second position in the ranking was occupied by the UK ($341M), with a 5.3% share of global imports. It was followed by France, with a 4.6% share.

From 2013 to 2019, the average annual rate of growth in terms of value in the U.S. totaled +6.3%. In the other countries, the average annual rates were as follows: the UK (+3.1% per year) and France (-1.8% per year).

Import Prices by Country

The average MDF import price stood at $452 per cubic meter in 2019, remaining constant against the previous year. Overall, the import price showed a relatively flat trend pattern. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in 2017 an increase of 4.8% against the previous year. Over the period under review, average import prices hit record highs at $476 per cubic meter in 2014; however, from 2015 to 2019, import prices failed to regain the momentum.

There were significant differences in the average prices amongst the major importing countries. In 2019, the country with the highest price was France ($629 per cubic meter), while Uzbekistan ($242 per cubic meter) was amongst the lowest.

From 2013 to 2019, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by France, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.

Source: IndexBox AI Platform