IndexBox has just published a new report: ‘World – Palm Kernel And Babassu Oil – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights‘. Here is a summary of the report’s key findings.
Prices for palm kernel oil spiked by 27% over the month, reaching $1,807 in October 2021. Compared to this year’s January figures, the prices soared by +32%. In 2020, palm kernel exports dropped by -3.1% y-o-y in physical terms but grew by +8.9% y-o-y in value terms, reaching $2.5B. Indonesia remains the largest supplier, accounting for 56% of global exports of palm kernel oil. China, the U.S. and Germany constitute the most prominent importers of the product.
Palm Kernel Oil Prices
According to World Bank’s data, the global price for palm kernel oil spiked by 27% over a month, increasing from $1,427 per tonne in September to $1,807 in October 2021.
Since the beginning of this year, the global price grew by +32%, rising from $1,368 per tonne in January to $1,807 per tonne in October 2021. In 2020, the average price was estimated at $824 per tonne.
Global Palm Kernel Oil Exports
In 2020, approx. 3.1M tonnes of palm kernel and babassu oil were exported worldwide, declining by -3.1% compared with 2019 figures. In value terms, palm kernel oil exports expanded by +8.9% y-o-y to $2.5B (IndexBox estimates) in 2020.
Indonesia was the largest exporter of palm kernel and babassu oil globally, with the volume of exports resulting at 1.7M tonnes, which was near 56% of total exports in 2020. It was distantly followed by Malaysia (864K tonnes), achieving a 28% share of total exports. The following exporters – Guatemala (74K tonnes), Papua New Guinea (69K tonnes), Thailand (66K tonnes) and Colombia (65K tonnes) – each reached 9% shares of total exports.
In 2020, the exports from Guatemala rose twofold, while shipments from the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
In value terms, Indonesia ($1.3B), Malaysia ($708M) and Papua New Guinea ($57M) appeared to be the top exporting countries in 2020, together accounting for 86% of global exports. These countries were followed by Colombia, Guatemala and Thailand, which accounted for a further 5.8%.
In 2020, the average palm kernel oil export price amounted to $800 per tonne, increasing by +12% against the previous year. Prices varied somewhat amongst the major exporting countries. In 2020, the highest average prices were recorded in Papua New Guinea ($825 per tonne) and Malaysia ($819 per tonne), while Guatemala ($607 per tonne) and Thailand ($667 per tonne) featured the lowest prices. In 2020, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Indonesia, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
World’s Major Importers of Palm Kernel Oil
In 2020, China (845K tonnes), distantly followed by the U.S. (381K tonnes), Germany (358K tonnes), Malaysia (292K tonnes), the Netherlands (229K tonnes), and Brazil (216K tonnes) were the major importers of palm kernel and babassu oil, together with mixing up 72% of total imports. India (124K tonnes), Turkey (76K tonnes), Japan (73K tonnes), Russia (70K tonnes), the Philippines (54K tonnes), Spain (51K tonnes) and Italy (51K tonnes) took a relatively small share of total imports.
In value terms, China ($570M), the U.S. ($335M) and Germany ($303M) were the countries with the highest levels of imports in 2020, with a combined 46% share of the total figure. Malaysia, the Netherlands, Brazil, India, Russia, Japan, Turkey, Italy, Spain and the Philippines lagged somewhat behind, comprising a further 39%.
Source: IndexBox Platform