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Supply Chain Professionals Are at Risk of Spear Phishing: Here’s How to Address It

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Supply Chain Professionals Are at Risk of Spear Phishing: Here’s How to Address It

Supply chain professionals hold plenty of sensitive information about businesses and their beneficiaries. Guarding this data has become more challenging as hackers refine their methods of attacking individuals and organizations. 

While cyberattacks like spear phishing have become more well-developed, security solutions have also scaled up and improved. Employ the right programs and methods to keep the supply chain safe and businesses moving in the right direction.

Read also: The Rising Risk of Cyber Crime in the Supply Chain

How Spear Phishing Happens

Spear phishing occurs in various communication settings, including emails, phone calls and chat-based platforms. Many people know phishing is a cyberattack targeting multiple individuals and companies. Spear phishing involves posing as a reliable authority to extort data through links and manipulation. It’s more effective because these cyberattacks are targeted.

Phishing attacks feature a general script copied and pasted to various individuals. People who use spear phishing seek information about their victims. For example, a spear phishing message will open with a line about what the recipient and the perpetrator have in common. 

Some people may use AI to remove grammatical mistakes and create hyper-realistic messages. They can adapt and impersonate the voice of a colleague or leader in phone calls to lure victims into sharing important information.

The extra time that goes toward identifying viable targets and conducting preliminary research can make spear phishing much more likely to succeed. Social engineering makes it harder to differentiate a real message from a spear phishing one.

The Impact of Spear Phishing

Big companies fall for phishing scams all the time. General Electric released news about a data breach in February 2020 involving Canon. While processing documents involving benefit entitlements, the company discovered that a hacker accessed a Canon email account to tap into employee information.

Spear phishing can trigger a lack of trust between partners in the supply chain. For instance, when people notice that the fleets shipping their goods compromise their data, it can raise uncertainty and doubt about continuing to order or do business with them. 

The results can also have a devastating effect on a company’s finances. About 39% of organizations affected by spear phishing attacks cite direct instances of monetary loss, like transferring cash. Reputational and financial damage can cause closure or bankruptcy. Such an imbalance can cause supply chain problems and eventually affect the economy.

Addressing Spear Phishing

Spear phishing is a viable threat. However, it is preventable to a certain degree with the correct methods. 

1. Provide Employee Training

Employees in a supply chain are viable targets for spear phishers. They can access sensitive information like names, addresses, certificates, tax forms and Social Security numbers. Educate them about the dangers of spear phishing and to be more discerning with their communications. 

A spear-phishing attack can be incredibly convincing, especially since the sender pretends to be someone close to the recipient. After gaining trust, the perpetrator will send a request, such as opening an attachment or providing login credentials. Promote confidentiality and suggest reporting the incident so IT can verify it. Discourage taking telephone calls from unknown numbers.

Promoting a low profile on social media platforms is also important. Spear phishing experts will likely sweep public accounts to review targets and their backgrounds. Ask employees to limit posting personal information. They should avoid posting company news or mentioning their employer to deter cyberattackers.

2. Verify Organizations

Working with a new supplier or vendor can be exciting. However, be wary of their background and whether they have ties to cybercrimes. Spear phishing can make companies out of thin air or impersonate legitimate ones.

Verify third-party legitimacy before conducting business. It’s best to hold in-person meetings with an established authority rather than relying on digital communications. 

3. Secure Vehicles

Some logistics businesses look to self-driving trucks because of labor shortages. The trucking industry saw a deficit of 80,000 drivers in late 2021. Autonomous vehicles provide a big advantage in meeting demand and regulating fuel use. However, these preprogrammed systems are susceptible to hacking when cyberattackers gain access.

Some people may use spear phishing to pose as a maintenance specialist or another authority figure to gain access to the self-driving system. Restrict access to these assets. Be vigilant when receiving messages.

4. Conduct Inventory Reviews

Inventory is another vulnerable aspect of the supply chain. Stored products can hold incredible value in quality and quantity. Technological devices also have access to sensitive data, so limits should be placed on who can use them.

It’s also imperative to conduct inventory reviews. Regularly update who has accessed what and which devices are on a company’s network. Audit logs of suspicious activity can uncover a spear phishing attack or another cybercrime. 

5. Improve Order Monitoring

Professionals responsible for order management should look for ways to optimize the processes. Some people coordinate through email to manage things— about 82% of companies saw a higher volume in 2022. However, this entails a higher risk of email-based threats like spear phishing.

Use machine learning-powered email security solutions to filter spear phishing messages from an inbox. Seek unique and protected order monitoring platforms. The ideal system can simplify operations and fulfillment while securing vendor and patron information. 

6. Update Company Security

Company cybersecurity should never be overlooked. Adopt the right policies, such as keeping financial information and passwords secure. Passwords should be changed regularly to avoid data leaks that will compromise the supply chain.

Make sure to verify all email recipients and senders. Use a work email address to make internal communications safer in the long run. For external communications, seek tech specialists who can vet profiles.

It’s also ideal to install up-to-date security software on all work devices. Systems like firewalls and antivirus software can detect spear phishing emails and alert employees. Early identification is key to preventing anything drastic from happening.

7. Create a Contingency Plan

Spear phishing can be incredibly elusive and slip through security. That’s why it’s vital to have a contingency plan. The right processes can offer significant damage control and recovery in the wake of a cyberattack. 

If data is compromised, file a cyber insurance claim to cover the damages. It’s also essential to back up data and change all passwords. Restrict access to prevent more information from leaking. Ensure they’re more secure than previous variations.

Seek assistance from the IT team in charge. These specialists can scan and remove malware and other threats from the system. They can also trace the exact date and time the infiltration happened. Companies should also file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center. An investigation can prevent criminals from spear-phishing other businesses and bring them to justice.

The Securities and Exchange Commission also requires public companies to disclose cybersecurity breaches and risk management processes. Details should include the nature of the incident and its material impacts and be submitted within four business days.

Shield Supply Chains From Spear Phishing

Supply chains are vulnerable to spear phishing. Companies should be aware of how it happens and stay on high alert at each step of operations. Effective security is vital to ensuring commerce continues without a hitch and nothing interrupts the process.

break room

How to Renovate Your Break Room for Improved Morale in 2024

Break rooms are essential spaces that provide relaxation amidst hectic work days. When employees enter the break room, they want to recharge and prepare for the rest of the day. 

How a company organizes these areas demonstrates its priorities and how much it values workers. Here’s how businesses should renovate their break rooms to cater to employees in 2024.

Introduce Food Stations

Long days at work mean employees are expending a lot of energy on each shift. Managers can keep their energy levels up by introducing free food stations inside the break room and providing healthy snacks.

Fruit is an excellent option because it provides energy during physical activity and essential vitamins and nutrients. Bananas, pears and nectarines don’t need refrigeration at room temperature. Other terrific break room snack options include nuts, yogurt, tea and coffee. Managers should ask their employees what foods they want to see to ensure the food doesn’t go to waste.

Food energizes employees and free snacks encourage them to come to work and take advantage of the options. A 2023 ezCater study reveals that 67% of hybrid workers would be more willing to work on-site if their company provided free lunch. Logistics professionals should consider providing free lunches to motivate workers and boost morale, especially considering the divide between remote and on-site work.

Ensure Comfortable Seating

Workers need a comfortable resting spot on break to let their bodies relax for a while. Folding chairs and stools might not be sufficient for employees, so companies must invest in comfortable seating around the break room. Leadership designing the break room should place sofas and lounge chairs because they’re among the most accessible and comfortable options for employees. 

The break room should also include plenty of tables and similar structures for employees to eat their food. Placing tables makes it easier for them to eat and reduces messes compared to eating meals from their laps. The tables also serve as a conversation starter when employees sit together and take their minds off work with social time.

Bring in Natural Light

Employees may only briefly be in the break room, but the lighting will impact how relaxed they feel during their stay. Bright overhead lights may cause migraines or overstimulate workers, so the break room should have relaxing lighting options when possible. 

Businesses should introduce natural light by installing windows in the room. Natural light is an accessible way for employees to improve their vitamin D levels and improve their sleep at night. A 2022 Journal of Pineal Research study shows natural light is critical for sleep by preventing circadian clock disruption. Additionally, natural light boosts productivity for workers by straining their eyes less and providing more relaxation. 

Plant Greenery 

Introducing plants to the break room is another great way to add a natural touch. Flowers, cactuses and other plants are aesthetically pleasing and add personality to the break room. Employees will look forward to going to the break room and seeing the plants as they grow and produce lovely smells. 

Companies should find low-maintenance shrubs, such as a bamboo palm or a snake plant, because they’ll survive in low-light conditions. Office plants are also beneficial because of their health benefits. For example, rooms with plants have less mold and dust than areas without any. Other health benefits of break-room plants include reduced anxiety, allergy relief and purified air. 

Choose Relaxing Colors

While it might not seem important, the colors inside a break room significantly impact how employees feel during the time spent there. Managers should choose warm colors for their cabinets, walls and flooring to make employees feel comfortable as if they’re at home. Conversely, cool-toned true whites can be harsh despite being simple colors for decor.

Color choice affects an employee’s mood, so managers should poll their employees to see what colors they want in the break room. A 2020 Association for Psychological Science gives clues for color association after surveying people from 30 countries. For example, 68% of respondents associate red with love, while 52% link yellow with joy. Cheerful colors will put employees in a better mood for the remainder of their day. 

Place a Community Bulletin Board

The break room is a communal space, so managers should make it a spot where workers can gather, socialize and recognize each other’s achievements. Logistics professionals should place a community bulletin board to post announcements and acknowledge workers when it’s time for recognition. 

For example, an employee may reach a work anniversary or show exemplary work in a quarter. The bulletin board can also be a place for employees to post milestones from their personal life. A colleague may announce their engagement, the birth of a child or graduating from school. 

A community bulletin board is excellent for spreading positivity and boosting work morale. Additionally, it allows workers to feel valued and appreciated at work. Research shows 29% of employees don’t receive recognition for their work, so shouting out good work motivates employees and helps them stay engaged.  

Hang Artwork

If managers want to add personality to the break room, hanging artwork is an excellent start. Paintings, drawings, sculptures and other art forms stimulate the brain and bring positivity. 

Designers could hang pictures of serene beaches, snow-capped mountains and other peaceful landscapes to promote tranquility. Research shows artwork positively affects people both physically and mentally. A 2021 BMJ Open study found that artwork reduces stress by aiding systolic blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels. 

Another way to boost company morale is to let workers post their artwork throughout the break room. Employees will feel proud to come to work and share their drawings with their colleagues. 

Set Up Games

While break rooms are relaxing, they can also be for fun times throughout the day. Setting up a card and board game station is a wonderful way to spend time and relax while encouraging bonding time with colleagues. Managers should select card and board games that are easy to set up and play on breaks, such as Uno, Monopoly Deal and Trivial Pursuit. 

The board games also provide an opportunity for company-hosted happy hours and game nights. These social events encourage employees to take their minds off work and hang out with colleagues. Setting up these events aids in team bonding and boosts morale.

Renovating the Break Room in 2024

Break rooms are times for relaxing and re-energizing as employees prepare for their next tasks. These rooms should be comfortable spots for people to eat food, socialize and take their minds off work. 

Logistics professionals should survey their colleagues to see what amenities they’d most like to see in the break room to ensure no upgrades go to waste.

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73% of Supply Chain Professionals Predict Chaos on Cards due to Early Chinese New Year and COVID Infections in China

A larger share of freight forwarders and supply chain professionals this year in 2023 are expecting disruptions owing to COVID outbreaks in China and the Chinese New Year factory closures as compared to the last year (2022). 

“We are looking at three different Chinese Years in 2020, 2021 and 2022. It’s not what we’ve been accustomed to in the prior years when there was demand leading up to the Chinese New Year. There is a lot of inventory with retailers and manufacturers. Inflation and fear of recession continue to impact demand. And therefore, the spot rates have started to fall off the cliff. There are a lot of unknowns and preparing with better data, information and visibility into the supply chain is the way to navigate through these unforeseen times.” said Cathy Morrow Roberson, Founder and President of Logistics Trends & Insights LLC during a webinar organised by Container xChange on the Chinese New Year analysis and predictions. 

The annual Chinese New Year survey by Container xChange witnessed some 2300 respondents from the supply chain industry sharing their opinions and views about how they view Chinese New Year and COVID outbreaks in China to have an impact on global supply chains. 

As compared to some 66% in 2022, there was an increase in the percentage (73%) of supply chain professionals expecting Chinese New Year to further disrupt the shipping industry this year.  This comes in contrast to industry reports where a lot of analysis talks about lessening the impact of disruptions in China on the global supply chains. Out of the 73% saying that they do foresee an impact, 65% were freight forwarders and rest were supply chain professionals in general. 

“Usually, we expect cargo rush in January and February but this year, the Chinese New Year is earlier. The situation will have a significant impact on domestic supply chain after January 15 till February 6, 2023. In my opinion, this time is difficult for businesses. I think companies can prepare better through controlling costs, better forecasting, and efficient information flow. This is where technology can help greatly.” commented Mr. Sun Director / General Manager, CNTRANS in the webinar. 

When asked in the survey, ‘what impact will be the most prominent in the coming weeks’, most agreed that there will be ‘an increase in port congestions and delays’ and ‘delayed container journeys’ soon after China reopens. Last year, most industry professionals feared capacity issues and higher rates as the Chinese New Year aftermath. One respondent elaborated, “I think an ‘increase in port congestions and delays’ and ‘delayed container journeys’ will be the possible result as it makes sense to me that once they all ship out again that means more ships leaving closer to one another for the same destinations which may cause backups for a short time.”

“There are added, and new complexities ahead coupled with Chinese New Year where at one end we see China coping with the Covid infections, and on the other end we see continued dip in demand. We cannot see Chinese New Year in isolation but in combination with all these challenges. The biggest concern is the reduced production and port capacity due to the infections in China. Also, the rates are low, capacity management is still top priority for carriers and blank sailings are prominent. Amidst this, in the coming weeks, we do foresee prolonged factory closures and bearish market conditions.” said Christian Roeloffs, cofounder and CEO, Container xChange, an online container logistics platform that offers an ecosystem for booking and managing of shipping containers.

We also asked how the industry is planning for the closures. We asked – “In planning for the 2023 Chinese New Year factory closures, have you ordered inventory/placed bookings earlier this year?” 

Last year, in the year 2022, 59% said ‘yes’ and this year, 55% said yes. While the majority planned advance bookings, there is a drop of 4%. Another change we noticed this year was, while 65% international freight forwarders said they expect Chinese New Year closures to impact supply chains, only 47% have made advance plans to deal with the same. One possible cause of the dip in preparing in advance could be still high inventory levels—and the market being bearish in general, as demand continues to fall and transportation capacity supply increases. 

Further, we asked ‘Ahead of Chinese New Year factory closures, have you changed your container sourcing strategy to ensure you have boxes?’ Last year in 2022, majority said nothing specific and this year too, the majority responded by saying nothing specific, only this year, highlighting that there is enough supply. 

About Container xChange  

The container is one of the most impactful innovations in history—using standardization to power globalization and lift billions of people out of poverty. But contrary to the standardized container itself, most processes in container logistics have not been standardized nor innovated — and are still frustratingly complex, manual and error-prone. Combined with thin margins, this makes it difficult for logistics businesses to survive and thrive. 

Container xChange is the leading online platform for container logistics that brings together all relevant companies to book and manage shipping containers as well as to settle all related invoices and payments. 

The neutral online platform…  

  1. connects supply and demand of shipping containers and transportation services with full transparency on availability, pricing and reputation,  
  2. simplifies operations from pickup to drop-off of containers, 
  3. and auto-settles payments in real-time for all your transactions to reduce invoice reconciliation efforts and payment costs. 

Currently, more than 1500+ vetted container logistics companies trust xChange with their business—and enjoy transparency through performance ratings and partner reviews. Unlike limited personal networks, excel sheets and emails you rely on, Container xChange gives its users countless options to book and manage containers, move faster with confidence and increase profit margins.