Data Analysis is the process of inspecting, transforming, cleansing, and modeling information. The goal is to discover useful details that inform decision making. Businesses use it to statistically and logically find ways to improve their products and services.
With accurate data analysis, manufacturers can streamline their operations and do away with old ways of doing things. But most companies still haven’t understood the impact well-analyzed information can have on their business. This article outlines three ways data analysis improves manufacturing.
Increase in Energy Efficiency
According to Friendly Power, the United States manufacturing sector accounted for 32% of all energy consumption across industries in 2018. The industrial sector consumed approximately 27 000 trillion BTU that year. Fuel manufacturing processes accounted for a considerable part of that figure.
It calls for a need for reduced energy consumption by manufacturers. The best way to achieve this is for companies to become smarter energy managers. While they have been working towards this goal, there is a need for manufacturers to do more.
Data analysis shows companies diverse ways of improving energy efficiency and reducing consumption. They can achieve this by following a systematic or holistic approach.
With small investments and fewer larger investments, manufacturers can reduce their energy consumption. Analyzing information will help companies understand the ways they expend energy.
Real-time data analysis helps plant managers monitor excess usage and untimely consumption. It allows them to prioritize specific energy retrofits. It works for promoting and implementing behavioral changes in employees. Additionally, manufacturers will set informed and achievable energy-saving goals and reduce costs.
Improved Equipment Maintenance and Less Downtime
One thing that slows down and affects manufacturers is equipment breakdown and high downtime. Machines get built for optimal efficiency, but sometimes, several factors affect the way they work. Some of these problems are poor installation, misuse, and lack of downtime coordination.
Companies can prevent this by effectively gathering data. The combination of IoT systems and robust predictive analytics in manufacturing helps manufacturers gain real-time insight. It shows them how well equipment functions on a micro and macro scale.
Data analysis helps manufacturers schedule hours and days for a checkup to keep machines from breaking down. Predictive data allows companies to keep using their machinery until they have to carry out maintenance. It means that they are pre-informed on when they need to check their equipment.
This dramatically helps improve the manufacturing process. The maintenance crew will only work when needed, thereby freeing up personnel for other duties. Data analysis prevents excess troubleshooting and allows the facility to function more efficiently.
On the downtime, analyzing information ahead of time reduces it. Knowing the right steps to take ensures that the machinery functions when it should prevent production lags. A company with non-functioning equipment will lose money and may not meet up with demand.
Boosts Business Operations and Improves Time Management
Aside from the first two benefits of data analysis, it improves business operations and time management. Manufacturers who gather and analyze information can better plan their day-to-day manufacturing process.
It helps companies with their targets and prioritizes activities based on their importance level and urgency. Site managers get a granular vision into the operational insights of their industry. It increases security augmentation, process monitoring, and controls employees’ behavior and working hours.
Data analysis helps a manufacturing company be where it should be at a particular time. It keeps them from falling behind by effectively managing their time and ensuring that every moment counts.
When site managers know when their equipment is most likely to need maintenance, they will not waste time worrying about it. They’ll focus on their work. Accurate data analysis means knowing what problems are likely to arise and making plans ahead to fix them.
Other Ways Data Analysis Improves Manufacturing
The three benefits mentioned above are not exhaustive of the ways data analysis improves manufacturing. Manufacturers who invest in gathering information as do get to understand their business’s supply side.
Every manufacturing business’s essence is to meet demand and make a profit. To do the latter, companies must minimize manufacturing costs. A crucial part of achieving this is following and tracking supplies to ensure that manufacturers do not pay any extra cents.
Data analysis helps manufacturers follow their supplies and every part of the manufacturing process. This way, they can account for every material delivered and make adjustments where needed.
Tracking records helps manufacturers discover unworkable components ahead of time and prevent product failure. It creates better demand forecasts. It means a manufacturing company will predict when the need for their product will go up and effectively meet it.
Demand data is vital for two reasons. First, it guides the production chain, and second, it prevents storing goods for a long time in warehouses. Most companies use information from previous years and sales to make predictions of this nature.
However, it is better to combine past and predictive data in making demand projections and manufacturing plans. By doing this, manufacturer’s reduce their risk and production waste.
Furthermore, data analysis means that business owners will make all manufacturing decisions based on strategic information. Site managers will only make choices that will improve the manufacturing line and their staff’s overall welfare. They will ensure efficient arrangement structures in warehouses and better product flow management.
The Takeaway!
No matter the industry a business belongs to, data analysis is vital, and the manufacturing industry is no different. There are so many aspects of production that the only way to keep track and avoid mistakes is by collecting data.
Knowing when to expect trouble and putting things in place to prevent them is an effective way to improve the manufacturing process. It also helps to know what to produce, when, and who to manufacture for. It ensures that companies pay attention to energy conservation and educate their employees on it.
Finally, companies that capitalize on data analysis have increased efficiency and productivity. They understand their clients and market more, maximize profit, and streamline their supply chains.