Remote learning is a situation when education (teaching and learning) takes place at a distance through virtual platforms. Remote learning is also called distance education or virtual instruction. Thousands of students all over the world have been enrolled in online education. After an exceptional situation with the pandemics, these numbers increased and are still increasing.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Remote learning has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some positive aspects of virtual education.
You save time – During remote education you do not need to go to school or college.
You save money – in many cases, you need to take public transportation or a car to get to your educational institution. You buy tickets or spend money on the fuel of your car.
You can study at the school or college you want – Nowadays, applying to a college in a foreign country is not a luxury but a prerequisite to your success. Remote learning allows you to overcome this challenge.
Some disadvantages of Remote learning are:
Complex technology – Online classes require the presence of quite expensive technology and sometimes payable applications. Connections are not always done through free applications and an effort should be made by the student to have the necessary equipment to connect.
Knowledge of technological tools – A previous knowledge of the use of ITC is required, especially if it is regarding a more specific higher education.
There are more pros and cons to remote learning, nevertheless, our article aims to show how effective remote learning in business education can be and which innovative teaching methods can be included in the process. If you have decided to apply for business education and are looking for professional advice some university admissions consulting experts may offer you a choice between a face-to-face education and remote learning.
The Shift From Traditional to Online
The falling interest of students to attend full-time business education programs made many prestigious institutions consider it a remote teaching possibility. A wide number of online courses were created and offered to the students. The famous learning platform Coursera was created expressly for remote courses. These changes started in 2013-2014, when John Fernandes, the chief executive of the business school accreditation group AACSB, announced the emergency of a cautious assessment.
Wharton, one of the most prestigious US MBA supporters offers more online education courses.
Harvard initiated distance classes and was one of the first ones, as well, to launch business education through the virtual platforms.
Innovative Teaching Methods
The shift from traditional was followed by new teaching methods, very different from the traditional strategies. The whole process from applying to admission interviews have changed their format. University admissions consulting experts bolstered the online preparation of the students. New educational platforms offer new educational abilities and insights.
Innovative teaching methods are essential to make the teaching process more attractive for the students and provide extrinsic motivation. This extrinsic motivation will bring to the intrinsic motivation and the combination of these two will create a boost of an impulse to learn. Remote education is challenging as it requires constant active learning strategies. Computer-based techniques must be extended and updated. The connection between the student and the instructor is the grab of productive learning.
Professor M. Natarajan claims that some useful innovative teaching techniques are: computer-assisted learning (CD-ROMs), web-based learning, virtual laboratories, case studies, group discussion, brainstorming, audiovisual presentation, assignments, seminars, quiz and assigning project works.
Online Business Education Teaching Techniques
Flipped Classroom – FC is a type of blended learning when a student has a task to do at home and then applies it to real-life situations or problems during class time. This technique makes students work independently using the previous knowledge given by the instructor during the class.
Business Simulation Games – This is a technique to increase learners’ capacity of reacting and solving a problem, it shapes the awareness and management abilities of the students. The best business simulation games of 2019-2020 are considered to be Vitronomics, Two Point Hospital, Mashinky, Job Simulator and more.
Virtual Reality – At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this technique is one of the most popular ones. The VR technique creates an immersive atmosphere, which is one of the essentials for productivity. The Stanford University Graduate School of Business has also included virtual reality in its two online certificate programs. They highly believe that virtual reality boosts students to learn, be engaged, think quickly, and lead the project.
Online Experiential Learning – Undrahbuyan Baasanjav from the Philadelphia University claims about the effectiveness of including experiential learning in remote teaching. This technique helps to strengthen students’ practical and professional skills and combine these abilities. This technique will also stimulate students’ ability to manage their remote teams once they decide to run a startup business across the globe.
Remote learning in business education is not a plan, it is evidence. More new students join the new online platform to study and master their business management skills. The new teaching techniques are not choices, they are prominences that encourage further achievements of the learner and promote the productivity of remote classes.
Edita Hovhannisyan is an expert in Iranian and English studies. She is a mom of two sons and holds two University degrees. She contributes articles about education, its methodologies and new approaches to more effective learning and progress.