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  February 26th, 2024 | Written by

U.S. Import Value for Inductors Sees a Slight Increase to $76 Million in December 2023

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U.S. Inductor Imports

In December 2023, imports of inductors into the United States rose significantly to 382M units, surging by 6.6% on the previous month’s figure. Over the period under review, imports, however, saw a mild slump. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in March 2023 with an increase of 16% m-o-m. As a result, imports attained the peak of 520M units. From April 2023 to December 2023, the growth of imports remained at a lower figure.

In value terms, inductor imports amounted to $76M (IndexBox estimates) in December 2023. In general, imports, however, saw a relatively flat trend pattern. The growth pace was the most rapid in March 2023 with an increase of 34% m-o-m. As a result, imports attained the peak of $115M. From April 2023 to December 2023, the growth of imports remained at a somewhat lower figure.

Imports by Country

In December 2023, Japan (193M units) constituted the largest supplier of inductor to the United States, accounting for a 51% share of total imports. Moreover, inductor imports from Japan exceeded the figures recorded by the second-largest supplier, China (55M units), fourfold. The third position in this ranking was taken by Vietnam (43M units), with an 11% share.

From December 2022 to December 2023, the average monthly rate of growth in terms of volume from Japan stood at -2.5%. The remaining supplying countries recorded the following average monthly rates of imports growth: China (-1.9% per month) and Vietnam (+1.7% per month).

In value terms, China ($20M) constituted the largest supplier of inductor to the United States, comprising 27% of total imports. The second position in the ranking was held by Japan ($8.2M), with an 11% share of total imports. It was followed by Vietnam, with a 6% share.

From December 2022 to December 2023, the average monthly rate of growth in terms of value from China amounted to -1.6%. The remaining supplying countries recorded the following average monthly rates of imports growth: Japan (-3.9% per month) and Vietnam (+1.3% per month).

Import Prices by Country

In December 2023, the inductor price amounted to $200 per thousand units (CIF, US), dropping by -3% against the previous month. Over the last twelve-month period, it increased at an average monthly rate of +1.7%. The growth pace was the most rapid in May 2023 an increase of 32% m-o-m. The import price peaked at $222 per thousand units in March 2023; however, from April 2023 to December 2023, import prices failed to regain momentum.

Prices varied noticeably by the country of origin: the country with the highest price was China ($371 per thousand units), while the price for Japan ($43.0 per thousand units) was amongst the lowest.

From December 2022 to December 2023, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Taiwan (Chinese) (+0.9%), while the prices for the other major suppliers experienced more modest paces of growth.

Source: IndexBox Market Intelligence Platform