Intra-African Trade Fair Provides Hope for Region
This year’s Intra-African Trade Fair proved hopeful for the future of the African trade sector, according to feedback from the South African companies that participated in the seven-day event. The event took place from December 11-17 at the Egypt International Exhibition Center and consisted of various businesses showing their products.
Managing Director of Conax Manufacturing in Spring, Gauteng, Mr Freddy Mugeri commented on the success of the event, noting that it ultimately paves the way for integration and positive results.
“Even though there are many challenges to overcome including infrastructure and trade finance solutions in Africa, IATF created a platform for us business people to meet with African countries like Angola and South Sudan which are not so easy to reach outside forums like this one,” said Mugeri
Others, such as The South African Ambassador to Egypt, Mr Vusi Mavimbela, noted that this event was needed in the continent to support the diversity in economic resources.
“If we want to integrate the African continent and grow the economies in the continent we have to start by promoting trade among ourselves. It is much more powerful to trade as a united continent, because once you strengthened trading amongst ourselves we are able to create a bigger economy, and when you create a bigger economy, you create a bigger voice that will make it possible able to compete with our regional blocs on a more equal footing,” said Mavimbela.
Source: EIN Presswire, IATF
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