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Global Trade Daily

For the latest business news today, the Global Trade Daily offers the latest trade news, headlines and commentaries from one convenient source.

CMA global trade

US Transport Company Challenges CMA CGM’s Detention and Demurrage Charges

Access One Transport, a California-based haulier, has lodged complaints with the US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) regarding container line detention… Read More

Lower margins are ahead for port temrinals operators that handle shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Eurofins' new US location near UPS hub in Louisville facilitates shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Cloud-based system wil help air carriers process shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Financing available for port improvements projects that facilitate shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Vessel operator fined for polluting while carrying shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Uploading of data can be subject to the same export controls as shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

MOL rescued castaways while carrying shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Coldstone expansion will involve shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

The US presidential candidates have varying opinions on the issue of lifting the embargo on Cuba of shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

SOLAS rules require verified weights for all cotnainer shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

New UPS service handles temperature controlled shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

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