Global Ports: Balancing Cargo Capacity Demands
Beyond proactivity and preparation, global ports focus on redefining infrastructure while evaluating opportunities for significant increases in cargo intake. But what about the ports that aren’t seeing the results they want? Let’s take a look at the European Ports and the challenges and proposed solutions featured in an article from Port Strategy. Of all the solutions presented and discussed, the first was the need of infrastructure evaluation.
“The challenge ports everywhere face now, is to implement projects which often are financially unattractive to the port authority and even less attractive to external investors, but which are essential for wider societal and economic reasons. Some ports are financially strong enough to finance such projects and accept the low financial returns. Other ports are challenged to implement projects which are essential but are entirely beyond their means,” details a report shared by the ESPO.
Another challenge is the demand for increased cargo but a limit in capacity, as many ports claim they are close to reaching max capacity, but want to avoid providing an opportunity for competitors to swoop up what they can’t make room for. Gauging these issues requires a carefully thought out and strategic approach to ensure shippers evaluate next steps for 2019. In the theme of modernization, Port of Oakland shared insight into their 2018-2022 strategic plan, which is inclusive of growing net revenue, modernizing and maintaining infrastructure, care for the environment and improving customer service.
The use of technology to streamline operations was one of the highlighted objectives and strategies (impacting almost every area of the business) the report emphasized on. In the age of information technology, automation and technology solutions, this goal would provide more than just a seamless flow of information, but supply owners, customers and employees improved efficiencies and reduced room for error. There seems to be a trend among these ports.
“Each of our businesses has specific modernization and maintenance objectives to meet, notably development of long-term asset management plans. Moreover, those objectives require careful attention to environmental, social responsibility and human resources issues,” the report says.
The key to implementing strong logistics solution can be found in an all-in-one approach that is inclusive of your company goals and vision, the well being and safety of your employees, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage as well as cost-effectiveness and proactivity. The common denominator is found in digitization through advanced technology solutions, fully integrated within the service platforms, touching on all bases of the operations and supply chain.
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