The Global Chicken Meat Market Hit Record Highs
IndexBox invites everyone interested in the relevant data and the actual trends regarding the global chicken meat market to join our webinar: ‘Global Chicken Meat Market – Statistics, Trends, and Outlook’. Here are some facts and figures from the webinar.
For the fourth year in a row, the global chicken meat market recorded growth in sales value, which increased by 3.8% to $192.3B in 2019. The market value increased at an average annual rate of +4.2% over the period from 2007 to 2019; however, the trend pattern indicated some noticeable fluctuations being recorded in certain years. The most prominent rate of growth was recorded in 2008 with an increase of 14% year-to-year. Global consumption peaked in 2019 and is likely to see further growth in years to come.
Consumption by Country
The countries with the highest volumes of chicken meat consumption in 2019 were the U.S. (17M tonnes), China (15M tonnes) and Brazil (12M tonnes), together accounting for 37% of global consumption. These countries were followed by Russia, Mexico, India, Japan, Indonesia, Iran, South Africa, Argentina and Malaysia, which together accounted for a further 23%.
From 2007 to 2019, the biggest increases were in India, while chicken meat consumption for the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
In value terms, China ($39.2B) led the market, alone. The second position in the ranking was occupied by Brazil ($19.1B). It was followed by the U.S..
The countries with the highest levels of chicken meat per capita consumption in 2019 were Malaysia (59 kg per person), Brazil (55 kg per person) and the U.S. (50 kg per person).
In 2019, the global production of chicken meat amounted to 119M tonnes, increasing by 4% compared with 2018. The total output volume increased at an average annual rate of +3.7% from 2007 to 2019; however, the trend pattern indicated some noticeable fluctuations being recorded throughout the analyzed period. The generally positive trend in terms output was largely conditioned by a measured increase in the number of producing animals and a relatively flat trend pattern in yield figures.
Production by Country
The countries with the highest volumes of chicken meat production in 2019 were the U.S. (20M tonnes), Brazil (16M tonnes) and China (14M tonnes), together comprising 42% of global production. These countries were followed by Russia, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, Turkey, Iran, Argentina and Myanmar, which together accounted for a further 22%.
From 2007 to 2019, the biggest increases were in Russia, while chicken meat production for the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Producing Animals and Yield
In 2019, approx. 71B heads of animals were slaughtered for chicken meat production worldwide; growing by 3.1% in 2018. This number increased at an average annual rate of +2.7% from 2007 to 2019; the trend pattern remained consistent, with somewhat noticeable fluctuations throughout the analyzed period.
The global average chicken meat yield stood at 1,7 kg per head in 2019, remaining relatively stable against 2018. Over the period under review, the yield saw a relatively flat trend pattern.
For the fourth consecutive year, the global market recorded growth in overseas shipments of chicken meat, which increased by 3.7% to 16M tonnes in 2019. The total export volume increased at an average annual rate of +4.2% from 2007 to 2019; however, the trend pattern indicated some noticeable fluctuations being recorded in certain years. In value terms, chicken meat exports rose modestly to $23.7B (IndexBox estimates) in 2019.
Exports by Country
Brazil (4M tonnes) and the U.S. (3.3M tonnes) represented roughly 47% of total exports of chicken meat in 2019. The Netherlands (1.5M tonnes) occupied a 9.8% share (based on tonnes) of total exports, which put it in second place, followed by Poland (7.7%). The following exporters – Thailand (510K tonnes), Belgium (489K tonnes), Turkey (478K tonnes), the UK (356K tonnes), Germany (350K tonnes), Ukraine (338K tonnes), Hong Kong SAR (311K tonnes) and France (251K tonnes) – together made up 20% of total exports.
From 2007 to 2019, the biggest increases were in Ukraine, while shipments for the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
In value terms, the largest chicken meat supplying countries worldwide were Brazil ($6.4B), the U.S. ($3.3B) and the Netherlands ($2.7B), together accounting for 53% of global exports. Poland, Belgium, Thailand, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Hong Kong SAR and the UK lagged somewhat behind, together comprising a further 28%.
Export Prices by Country
The average chicken meat export price stood at $1,518 per tonne in 2019, waning by -2% against the previous year. Over the period under review, the export price, however, showed a relatively flat trend pattern. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in 2008 an increase of 12% year-to-year. Global export price peaked at $1,792 per tonne in 2013; however, from 2014 to 2019, export prices remained at a lower figure.
Prices varied noticeably by the country of origin; the country with the highest price was France ($1,853 per tonne), while the UK ($924 per tonne) was amongst the lowest.
From 2007 to 2019, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Turkey, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Source: IndexBox AI Platform
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