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E-commerce Success: 5 Ways Translating Your Website Content Can Boost Your Sales


E-commerce Success: 5 Ways Translating Your Website Content Can Boost Your Sales

For your business to survive the competition in today’s global market, you must adopt a more strategic business plan that will take it beyond the local market. One way to achieve this is to have a multilingual website.

Translating the website content of your e-commerce business will help you meet market expectations and boost your sales. However, to translate your website content, you must consider your target audience and make sure to answer the questions below.

-What county or city are you targeting?

-What are their needs in that area?

-Do they speak more than one language?

With the above questions considered, you can then decide how best to target your audience through the translation of your website content. Let’s take a look at how translating your website content can help boost your e-commerce business.

Your Brand Reaches More Audience

The essence of translating your website is to reach out to an audience not from your local market. As cross-border shopping is on the rise and e-commerce stores are accessible anywhere on the globe, you can communicate with an international audience to ensure consistent sales. With your translated website, people from the targeted area tend to visit the website, which helps generate more traffic to boost your sales.

Build Brand Trust and Image

When people visit your website and the content is in their language, they feel more comfortable reading and searching for their desired product on your site. Even though you are on the other side of the world, your audience and customers will feel more connected to your brand due to the translated website. They will appreciate and value your effort and reward it by giving your brand their trust. Also, a multilingual website ensures a better customer experience for your brand. Building a reputable brand image speaks volumes of your brand. It makes your target audience recognize and trust your brand more.

Boost Sales and Conversation Rate

People tend to buy products or pay for services rendered in their language. This can be termed the main reason for translating a website in the first place. When the audience can easily relate to the content of your e-commerce website, there is a high chance of them purchasing their desired product on your website. You can’t convert visitors to customers if they don’t understand what you are selling. Research has also shown that more people tend to buy a product in their currency. Hence, the proper translation of your website boosts sales and improves the conversation rate.

SEO Optimization

With a translated website, you will rank high on the local SERP of the targeted area. When the content of your website is SEO-optimized, your site is visible whenever people search in their language through google or other search engines. Some effective SEO strategies are:

Keyword: This is achieved by making local keyword research and then integrating these words into your content when translating.

Local Search: With the right URL structure, search engines will identify your website and show your webpage among other local businesses in the targeted area.

Relevant Content: Visitors tend to spend more time reading quality content. Search engines will make your content visible on the SERP when users search for related content with your content-generating more traffic.

Use Certified Translation Services

In contrast to what many may believe, website translation isn’t achieved by just installing some automated translation plugins. Certified translation services create them by carefully preparing the content in a localized way, bearing in mind the culture and language of the targeted audience. With the expertise of certified translation services, your website content can be efficiently translated to generate more website traffic and boost sales.


The translation of website contents is an advantage to your business to ensure it survives competition within the internet market. It boosts your business by not allowing you to target the local market only, but international as well. It has been proven that customers are most likely to buy products translated to their language from a site. Hence, the need to get certified translation services to work on your content. These certified translators help translate the content so well in such a way that makes your audience feel like they are reading locally created content.

translation customers

Is Your Business’ Global Message Lost In Translation?

American businesses with plans to take their products global know they will need to overcome language barriers, but that little chore could prove to be a greater challenge than they realize.

The potential for missteps abounds as companies attempt to translate websites, apps, user manuals, print advertisements, marketing emails, and other materials for a customer base that’s not their usual audience.

“It’s critical that companies be aware of not just how their products will be perceived, purchased, and used in other countries, but also that selling internationally requires tweaking business processes,” says Ian A. Henderson, author of Global Content Quest: In Search of Better Translations and co-founder with his wife, Francoise, of Rubric (, a global language-service provider.

“Many products designed for and by Americans are in high demand in other countries, but that doesn’t mean the user experience will be exactly the same.”

Some translation complications that businesses encounter could easily be avoided, Rubric’s founders say. A few of those problematic situations include:

Creating poor user journeys. The Hendersons say they sometimes encounter clients who have a general idea of what the content should be in English, but have not thought about what it should be in other languages, or how to adjust it for different cultures. “Because of this,” Ian Henderson says, “people often end up translating for the sake of translating from some vague idea of necessity, rather than to intentionally grow the international market for their product in a strategic way. This leads to a poor user journey.” If you don’t put time and thought into what you are translating and why, he says, you may end up with inconsistency in content.

Using misapplied tools. Companies often look for software that will solve all their problems, and in many cases a multi-language feature is sold as part of a content-management system, or a product-information management system. “Unfortunately, it is often not very effective,” Francoise Henderson says. “Translation is more of an art than a science, and it is rarely as simple as plugging words into a program.” She recommends running a pilot program to test out new software before committing to buying it.

Adding translation to someone’s other responsibilities. Companies often make the mistake of assigning translation duties to someone already on staff simply because they speak the languages in question. “On the surface, that seems to make sense because the person knows your product and is already on your payroll,” Ian Henderson says. But the employee won’t make translation a priority because of competing responsibilities. When the employee does prioritize the translation, the rest of their work suffers. Also, just because they speak the language doesn’t mean they are competent writers who can successfully convey a message from one language to another.

Being stuck in silos. If departments within a company fail to communicate, information might be unintentionally translated multiple times, costing the company thousands in extra translation costs, Ian Henderson says. Other times, different departments will use different vendors to translate. So when put through translation, a product’s packaging claim might not correspond to the material that marketing or legal is sending out. One solution, the Hendersons say, is to have a central communications hub through which everything flows.

“One thing we’ve learned is translation is more than just a language problem,” Francoise Henderson says. “People and the products they buy vary from country to country. As a result, marketing can’t be too uniform because it won’t speak to all the audiences. But if it’s too individualized, you can lose your brand identity. The trick is creating a balance that both preserves the global brand and serves the local needs.”


About Ian A. Henderson

Ian A. Henderson (, author of Global Content Quest: In Search of Better Translations, is chief technology officer and co-founder of Rubric, a global language service provider. During the last 25 years, Henderson has partnered with Rubric customers to deliver relevant global content to their end users, enabling them to reap the rewards of globalization, benefit from agile workflows, and guarantee the integrity of their content. Prior to founding Rubric, Henderson worked as a software engineer for Siemens in Germany.

About Francoise Henderson

Francoise Henderson is chief executive officer and co-founder of Rubric, overseeing worldwide operations and Global Content strategy. Under her guidance, Rubric has generated agile KPI-driven globalization workflows for its clients, reducing time to market across multiple groups and increasing quality and ROI. Francoise has over 25 years’ experience in corporate management and translation.