What are now known to be the deadliest wildfires in California history (NY Times) have left many with massive damages to their homes and businesses. These fires also grant the opportunity for logistics companies to join forces and extend a helping hand to those that have been so devastatingly impacted.
“We hope this would be the last time this year that we have to send out an APB like this, because each one represents a major catastrophe that we wouldn’t wish on anyone,” said Executive Director Kathy Fulton. “However we’re thankful for the overwhelming response we’ve received from members of the logistics community. Various companies have stepped up to help us fulfill requests for everything from forklifts and pallet jacks to logistics space and transportation services. And that in turn has helped us make a considerable difference for disaster survivors.”
American Logistics Aid Network released a formal announcement this week stating that, “Effective immediately, the organization has expanded its disaster micro-site (www.alanaid.org/operations/) to include key details about the California fires and their related logistics needs. And late yesterday the organization fulfilled its first request for logistics assistance – donated transportation of comfort items and clean-up supplies – to fire-impacted areas.”
Executive Director Kathy Fulton explained that, “The need for our supply chain assistance to the people who are being impacted in California hasn’t been extensive yet, however the operative word is yet, which is why we hope members of the logistics community will stay in touch with us often in the days or weeks ahead – or consider making a pre-offer of any space, services and equipment they’d be willing to donate to relief efforts. Like many disasters this one will continue to be an ongoing story for us for many weeks or months to come, so every donation or offer of assistance truly helps.”
The wildfires have destroyed over 7,100 structures with the majority of them being homes (NY Times). President Donald Trump has officially announced via Twitter his approval for an “expedited request for a Major Disaster Declaration for the state of California” yesterday and gave a candid speech honoring the mourning of the 42 lives lost so far.
American Logistics Aid Network encourages other logistics providers to consider their role during this time and extend assistance when the chance presents itself.
For more information on how your company can help these efforts, please contact Lori Lockman via email at: llockman@bellsouth.net
About ALAN: Founded in 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, ALAN is a philanthropic, industry-wide organization that provides free logistics assistance to disaster relief organizations before, during and after catastrophic events. It does this by bringing the expertise and resources of the logistics industry together with compassionate organizations so that help can arrive sooner, and each relief dollar can be maximized. Over the years it has coordinated compassionate supply chain services for numerous natural disasters including hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and floods. To learn more visit www.alanaid.org.
Source: alanaid.org