IndexBox has just published a new report: ‘World – Breathing Appliances And Gas Masks – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends And Insights’. Here is a summary of the report’s key findings.
Global Trade of Breathing Appliances and Gas Masks 2013-2018
In 2018, the amount of breathing appliances and gas masks exported worldwide totaled $1.7B (IndexBox estimates). The total export value increased at an average annual rate of +5.5% over the period from 2013 to 2018; the trend pattern remained relatively stable, with only minor fluctuations being recorded throughout the analyzed period. The most prominent rate of growth was recorded in 2018 when exports increased by 15% year-to-year. In that year, global breathing appliances exports reached their peak.
Exports by Country
The U.S. ($375M), Germany ($332M) and the UK ($279M) were the countries with the highest levels of exports in 2018, together accounting for 57% of global exports. These countries were followed by France, China, Poland, Australia, Taiwan, Chinese, Canada, Russia, South Korea and Mexico, which together accounted for a further 27%.
Poland experienced the highest rates of growth with regard to the value of exports, among the main exporting countries over the period under review, while exports for the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Export Prices by Country
In 2018, the average breathing appliances export price amounted to $64,941 per tonne, going up by 6% against the previous year. Over the period from 2013 to 2018, it increased at an average annual rate of +5.1%. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2017 when the average export price increased by 14% year-to-year. Over the period under review, the average export prices for breathing appliances and gas masks reached their maximum in 2018 and is expected to retain its growth in the immediate term.
There were significant differences in the average prices amongst the major exporting countries. In 2018, the country with the highest price was France ($109,043 per tonne), while Mexico ($12,629 per tonne) was amongst the lowest.
From 2013 to 2018, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Russia, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Imports by Country
In value terms, the U.S. ($232M), Germany ($187M) and Canada ($96M) appeared to be the countries with the highest levels of imports in 2018, with a combined 30% share of global imports. The UK, France, Australia, China, Denmark, the Netherlands, South Korea, Chile and Indonesia lagged somewhat behind, together accounting for a further 27%.
Denmark recorded the highest rates of growth with regard to the value of imports, among the main importing countries over the period under review, while imports for the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Import Prices by Country
The average breathing appliances import price stood at $61,064 per tonne in 2018, growing by 2.7% against the previous year. Over the last five-year period, it increased at an average annual rate of +2.7%. The most prominent rate of growth was recorded in 2014 when the average import price increased by 8.7% year-to-year.
There were significant differences in the average prices amongst the major importing countries. In 2018, the country with the highest price was Australia ($85,291 per tonne), while Indonesia ($26,559 per tonne) was amongst the lowest.
From 2013 to 2018, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Australia, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.
Source: IndexBox AI Platform