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Fisker Inc. Manufacturing Announces New Senior Advisor

Fisker Inc. Manufacturing Announces New Senior Advisor

Don Jackson is the new name behind the manufacturing strategy and site selection at California-based Fisker Inc., the company confirmed this week. Jackson brings an extensive 40-year background in manufacturing leadership positions with big-name companies such as Volkswagen and Toyota.

“Following the exciting announcement on our affordable electric luxury SUV for the mass global market, we sought out an automotive industry leader with a strong history of results in high-volume manufacturing and the utmost in quality control,” said Henrik Fisker, chairman and CEO. “Don has lead operations for the largest OEMs, raising the bar in vehicle quality and reliability. We are delighted to have him join our team as we ramp up toward launch in 2021 and prepare to bring a more emotion-stirring, American-made EV design to people worldwide.”

Jackson’s role will directly impact and support Fisker’s focus on breakthrough automotive technology and advanced mobility solutions as the company continues finalizing facility selections for the production of an
all-electric luxury SUV to mass market.

“The future of the automotive industry lies in electric vehicles. There’s an undeniable shift toward sustainable mobility around the globe, and Fisker is breaking the mold with the most forward-thinking technologies complemented by Henrik’s world-renowned, emotionally-compelling design touches,” Jackson adds.

“I share Fisker’s vision of driving mass electrification forward by producing more desirable EVs for the global market here in the United States, and I look forward to building a disruptive strategy that combines Fisker’s unique business model with the very best manufacturing practices that assure unparalleled results and outstanding, reliable products. The Fisker team is committed to exceeding customer expectations globally.”

Third Party Logistics: An Inside look at Operational Strategies

Infosys Consulting released the 22nd Annual Third-Party Logistics Study this year, proving key insights and trends to keep a watch for in 2019. Of the insights, the study revealed that maintaining balance and consistency in an ever changing market is one of the biggest challenges for the logistics industry, pertaining to 3PL logistics specifically.

The study revealed that 91 percent of providers cite 3PLs as a resource for improved operations and logistics. Examples of this include Seacoast Capital and their $10 million investment in Deliver-It for their consumer base, and Volvo announcing that it will own and operate in addition to providing the first commercial use for their automated trucks for a mining company. More big name companies are considering 3PLs as solid logistics solutions for commercial expansions.

Other leading 3PL companies such as Team Worldwide, a global freight forwarder, utilized global expansion efforts and strategy as a means to improve customer relationships in 2018. General Manager Brian Purugganan explained that implementing such strategies allows them to invest in Supply Chain Management solutions for customers, providing a way to meet individual expectations. Team Worldwide expanded the company to a new Seattle-based branch for increased customer reach and is expected to open in December 2018, laying the foundation for success in 2019.

“The opening of Team Seattle is a strategic part of our domestic and global expansion. Seattle is an important ocean gateway to and from the US. It will allow us to better support the needs of our customers in the Northwest and will also help expand our cross border services with Team Worldwide, Ltd. in Canada,” Team Worldwide CEO Jason Brunson said.