Significant Progress in Plan to Develop Philadelphia Port Complex
The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (PRPA) has said “significant progress” is being made in its plan to develop its Southport Marine Terminal Complex, the first major expansion of the Port of Philadelphia in over 50 years.
Sited on 194 acres upriver from the former Philadelphia Navy Yard in South Philadelphia, the proposed multi-use terminal currently encompasses the existing Southport Marine Terminal, the Southport West facility and Pier 124 North Berth, a 1,132-foot finger pier, and have “ready rail and highway access.”
The PRPA has already completed substantial pre-development work at the sites, improving access, in anticipation of private development spurred by a Request for Expressions of Interest (REI) that was issued late last year and, the port authority said, “garnered a high level of response from maritime industry, manufacturing, and energy companies.”
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be issued on September 23 and “will widen the process, encouraging the continued participation of past respondents while inviting additional private sector interests to present their visions for the Southport property,” the PRPA said. “While committed to comprehensive due-diligence, the PRPA Board is nevertheless planning for a quick evaluation and selection process following September’s RFQ announcement.”
RFQs, the port agency said, must be submitted by November with a short list of proposals to be compiled by December. Final determinations will be announced in June 2016 with “hopes to have the site under development by 2017.”
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