FTZ No. 124
Big Ship Ready: No
Rail: CN, KCS, UP
Highways: I-10, I-12, I-55, U.S. 44, U.S. 61
Days to China: 30 days
Top Exports: Corn, Animal Feed, Wheat/Soybeans
Cargo Types: Containers, Break Bulk, Liquid Bulk
What infrastructure additions has the port made to support shippers over the past two years?
We have constructed a 700-foot-long and 65-foot-wide dock which we call a finger pier, which can facilitate the berth of additional vessels at our main terminal, and it enables barges to moor on the inboard side as well as both vessels and barges to moor on the outboard side. This improves our ship-to-barge and truck-to-barge operations by allowing simultaneous operations on both sides of the finger pier.
What do you have in place to get trucks in and out fast?
We’re just minutes from the I-10, I-55 and I-12 and just minutes from U.S. Highway 61 and U.S. 44. [The state is] widening the main artery, from the interstate to the actual port terminal, to accommodate the truck traffic. With that, it’s smooth sailing from the port to all our major interstates and other highways.
What’s your biggest locational advantage?
It goes without saying: the Mississippi River. We have 54 miles of Mississippi River, but when you count both banks that’s 108 miles of deep water access.