FTZ No. 21
Big Ship Ready: Yes
Rail: CSX, NS
Highways: I-26, I-95, I-526, U.S. 17
Days to Northern Europe: 18
Top Exports: NA
Cargo Types: NA
What do you have in place to get trucks in and out fast?
We’ve extended weekday and weekend gate hours for the sole purpose of giving truckers more opportunity to serve our port. We also have extremely fast turn times: 30-minute truck turn time in and out, which is virtually unprecedented. We’re able to do it because we have properly staffed gates, a significant amount of lift equipment at our terminals, a well-organized container yard and good people running it all.
What’s your most under-appreciated asset?
The intermodal rail service in and out of our port works extremely well. We’ve reached a level where 20 percent of our total container volume is handled by intermodal rail today.
What’s your elevator pitch?
The Southeast is the most attractive port market in the country because we have a growing population and the region is gaining most of the new manufacturing growth in the country. We’re the most productive deep-water port in North America; we can get a large containership in and out in 24 hours. We are fast.