FTZ No. 214
Big Ship Ready: No
Rail: CSX
Highways: I-40, I-140, U.S. 17, U.S. 74/I-74, U.S. 117, U.S. 421
Days to China: 31
Top Exports: Forest Products (Wilmington), Phosphate (Morehead City)
Cargo Types: Container, Break Bulk, Bulk
What’s your most under-appreciated asset?
Our efficiency; there is no congestion at North Carolina’s ports. With 17.4 minutes per turn and 42.9 net crane moves per hour, the NCSPA’s high vessel and terminal productivity keeps vessels on schedule and reduces inventory and logistics costs
What’s your elevator pitch?
The ports of Wilmington and Morehead City, plus an inland terminal in Charlotte, have the capability and capacity to serve as competitive alternatives to ports in neighboring states. Wilmington is within 700 miles of more than 70 percent of the industrial base of the U.S.
What exciting developments are on the horizon?
To enhance our partnership with North Carolina’s agriculture industry, the ports have entered into a private partnership to construct an on-terminal, cold-storage facility. This facility will primarily serve North Carolina’s food-agriculture producers of pork, poultry, turkey and sweet potatoes. Construction is slated to begin later this year and the facility will employ more than 100 people.