FTZ No. 27
Big Ship Ready: Target of 2017
Highway: I-90, I-93
Days to Northern Europe: 30
Top Exports: Recycled Paper, Logs/Lumber, Foam Waste
Cargo Types: Containers, Break Bulk, Liquid Bulk
What infrastructure additions has the port made to support shippers over the past two years?
Working with our business partners we decided that the most important thing was to have a good labor force. We negotiated a win-win contract with the ILA (International Longshoreman’s Association) allowing us to dramatically increase productivity and our customers have really noticed, as have others. We’re getting a lot of new ships coming in and volume has started to climb.
What’s your elevator pitch?
Massport offers all-water service between Boston and two different ports in Europe, also to Northern Asia. Also, we’re pretty consistent with a turnaround for trucks under a half hour.
What exciting developments are on the horizon for your port?
The most important project we’re working on is making sure we’ll be able to handle the larger ships once they’re going through the Panama Canal. Dredging will begin at the end of the year and we will have 50-foot depth at our berths. They’re estimating the project will be done at the end of 2017.