Joint Venture to Construct Intermodal Export/Import Fuels Terminal in Beaumont, Texas
Green Plains Inc. and Jefferson Gulf Coast Energy Partners, a subsidiary of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC have formed a joint venture to construct and operate an intermodal export and import fuels terminal at Jefferson’s existing Beaumont, Texas, terminal.
The 50/50 joint venture is expected to invest approximately $55 million in its Phase I development which will initially focus on storage and throughput capabilities for multiple grades of ethanol. Further development of the joint venture’s capabilities is expected to add the ability to manage multiple liquid products for import and export, including liquid hydrocarbons, vegetable oils and other non-liquid commodities.
“Once completed, we believe this terminal will provide Green Plains and other customers with significant advantages over other locations,” said Todd Becker, president and CEO of Green Plains. “As demand for the products we produce continues to grow both globally and domestically, we want to create a world class solution to service our customers. Access to three Class I railroads, barges and inbound/outbound vessels positions the terminal with transportation and cost advantages that will make this a successful partnership. This terminal will be one of the most modern and efficient solutions in the U.S.”
“We are excited to be partnering with one of the largest ethanol producers and traders in North America,” said Greg Binion, President and CEO of Jefferson. “This project will add the necessary infrastructure at Jefferson Beaumont to distribute ethanol to markets worldwide. Green Plains Trade Group will be the anchor customer of the joint venture, and the terminal is expected to serve other ethanol exporters as well. We are confident that Jefferson’s multimodal capabilities and sustainable cost-advantaged logistics will contribute to the success of this joint venture.”
“This joint venture will diversify the existing facility and complement the public/private partnership Jefferson enjoys with the Port of Beaumont,” said Chris Fisher, port director and CEO of the Port of Beaumont. “We expect it to be one of the most versatile ethanol hubs in the country and deliver additional economic benefit to the area.”
The joint venture’s terminal will have direct access to multiple transportation options including Aframax vessels, inland and coastwise barges, trucks, and unit trains with direct mainline service from the Union Pacific, BNSF and KCS railroads. Phase I development will leverage existing infrastructure at the Jefferson terminal in Beaumont, and is expected to include approximately 500,000 barrels of storage with expansion potential of up to 1,000,000 barrels. Construction of Phase I is currently expected to take approximately nine months with completion projected in the second quarter of 2017.
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