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  August 19th, 2019 | Written by

Global Tomato Market 2019 – Robust Consumption Growth in China and India Drives the Global Market

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  • Global exports stood at 7.3M tonnes in 2018, therefore, remained relatively stable against the previous year.
  • From 2007 to 2018, the most notable rate of growth in terms of import prices was attained by Spain.
  • The average tomato import price stood at $1,331 per tonne in 2018.

IndexBox has just published a new report: ‘World – Tomatoes – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights’. Here is a summary of the report’s key findings.

The global tomato market revenue amounted to $190.4B in 2018, rising by 6.5% against the previous year. This figure reflects the total revenues of producers and importers (excluding logistics costs, retail marketing costs, and retailers’ margins, which will be included in the final consumer price). The market value increased at an average annual rate of +3.1% from 2007 to 2018; the trend pattern indicated some noticeable fluctuations being recorded in certain years. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in 2011, when the market value increased by 9.6% y-o-y. Over the period under review, the global tomato market reached its peak figure level at $196.1B in 2014; however, from 2015 to 2018, consumption remained at a lower figure.

Production 2007-2018

In 2018, the amount of tomatoes produced worldwide stood at 188M tonnes, rising by 3.5% against the previous year. The total output volume increased at an average annual rate of +2.9% from 2007 to 2018; the trend pattern remained consistent, with somewhat noticeable fluctuations being observed in certain years. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2009, with an increase of 9.8% against the previous year. Global tomato production peaked in 2018, and is likely to see steady growth in the immediate term. The general positive trend in terms of tomato output was largely conditioned by moderate growth of the harvested area and a mild increase in yield figures.

Exports 2007-2018

Global exports stood at 7.3M tonnes in 2018, therefore, remained relatively stable against the previous year. The total export volume increased at an average annual rate of +1.6% from 2007 to 2018; the trend pattern remained consistent, with only minor fluctuations in certain years. In value terms, tomato exports totaled $9.7B (IndexBox estimates) in 2018.

Exports by Country

In 2018, Mexico (1.8M tonnes), distantly followed by the Netherlands (1.1M tonnes), Spain (797K tonnes), Morocco (550K tonnes) and Turkey (364K tonnes) represented the largest exporters of tomatoes, together constituting 63% of total exports. France (287K tonnes), Belgium (220K tonnes), the U.S. (216K tonnes), Canada (191K tonnes), Azerbaijan (172K tonnes), Lithuania (157K tonnes) and China (143K tonnes) followed a long way behind the leaders.

From 2007 to 2018, the most notable rate of growth in terms of exports, amongst the main exporting countries, was attained by Azerbaijan, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.

In value terms, Mexico ($2.3B), the Netherlands ($1.9B) and Spain ($1.3B) constituted the countries with the highest levels of exports in 2018, together comprising 57% of global exports. Morocco, Canada, France, Turkey, the U.S., Belgium, Lithuania, Azerbaijan and China lagged somewhat behind, together comprising a further 32%.

Export Prices by Country

The average tomato export price stood at $1,326 per tonne in 2018, jumping by 4.7% against the previous year. Over the last eleven year period, it increased at an average annual rate of +1.3%. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2010, when the average export price increased by 18% y-o-y. Over the period under review, the average export prices for tomatoes attained their maximum in 2018, and is expected to retain its growth in the immediate term.

There were significant differences in the average export prices amongst the major exporting countries. In 2018, the country with the highest export price was Canada ($2,159 per tonne), while Turkey ($894 per tonne) was amongst the lowest.

From 2007 to 2018, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export prices was attained by Azerbaijan, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.

Imports 2007-2018

In 2018, the amount of tomatoes imported worldwide stood at 6.8M tonnes, growing by 4.7% against the previous year. The total import volume increased at an average annual rate of +1.5% from 2007 to 2018; the trend pattern remained consistent, with only minor fluctuations being recorded over the period under review. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2009, with an increase of 9.7% against the previous year. Over the period under review, global tomato imports reached their maximum at 7.2M tonnes in 2014; however, from 2015 to 2018, imports remained at a lower figure. In value terms, tomato imports amounted to $9B (IndexBox estimates) in 2018. The total import value increased at an average annual rate of +2.1% over the period from 2007 to 2018; the trend pattern remained consistent, with only minor fluctuations being recorded throughout the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2010, when imports increased by 12% against the previous year. Over the period under review, global tomato imports reached their maximum at $9.3B in 2014; however, from 2015 to 2018, imports remained at a lower figure.

Imports by Country

The U.S. represented the key importer of tomatoes in the world, with the volume of imports finishing at 1.9M tonnes, which was approx. 27% of total imports in 2018. It was distantly followed by Germany (729K tonnes), Russia (578K tonnes), France (493K tonnes) and the UK (418K tonnes), together mixing up a 33% share of total imports. The Netherlands (230K tonnes), Canada (228K tonnes), Pakistan (182K tonnes), Poland (153K tonnes), Spain (147K tonnes) and Italy (129K tonnes) took a minor share of total imports.

From 2007 to 2018, average annual rates of growth with regard to tomato imports into the U.S. stood at +5.1%. At the same time, Pakistan (+27.5%), Poland (+6.1%), Italy (+3.9%), the Netherlands (+1.6%) and Canada (+1.3%) displayed positive paces of growth. Moreover, Pakistan emerged as the fastest growing importer in the world, with a CAGR of +27.5% from 2007-2018. Germany, Russia, France, the UK and Spain experienced a relatively flat trend pattern. From 2007 to 2018, the share of the U.S. and Pakistan increased by +12% and +2.5% percentage points, while the shares of the other countries remained relatively stable throughout the analyzed period.

In value terms, the U.S. ($2.5B), Germany ($1.5B) and the UK ($700M) appeared to be the countries with the highest levels of imports in 2018, together comprising 52% of global imports. These countries were followed by France, Russia, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Spain and Pakistan, which together accounted for a further 29%.

Import Prices by Country

The average tomato import price stood at $1,331 per tonne in 2018, shrinking by -3.8% against the previous year. In general, the tomato import price, however, continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern. Import prices varied noticeably by the country of destination; the country with the highest import price was Germany ($2,017 per tonne), while Pakistan ($520 per tonne) was amongst the lowest.

From 2007 to 2018, the most notable rate of growth in terms of import prices was attained by Spain, while the other global leaders experienced more modest paces of growth.

Source: IndexBox AI Platform