Germany Expands Electrical Capacitor Imports 40% to Over $2B
IndexBox has just published a new report: ‘Germany – Electrical Capacitors – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights’. Here is a summary of the report’s key findings.
Germany, the second-largest importer in the global electrical capacitor market, increased purchases last year. In Q1-Q3 2021, its electrical capacitor imports totalled $2B, rising by 40% compared to the same period of 2020.
During Q1-Q3 2021, Germany imported electrical capacitors worth $2B, 40% more than in the same period a year earlier. Japan, China and South Korea remain the major providers of electrical capacitors to Germany. In Q1-Q3 2021, imports from China amounted to $333M, soaring by 55% against the same period in 2020. During that time, Japan expanded capacitor exports to Germany by 41% to $597M, while shipments from Korea surged by 34% to $147M.
Germany Electrical Capacitor Imports by Country
In 2020, the volume of electrical capacitors imported into Germany shrank markedly to 29K tonnes, which is down by -16.9% compared with 2019. In value terms, supplies fell markedly to $2B (IndexBox estimates).
Japan ($667M) constituted the largest supplier of capacitors to Germany, comprising 34% of total imports. The second position in the ranking was occupied by China ($319M), with a 16% share of total purchases. It was followed by South Korea, with a 7.7% share.
Overview of Global Electrical Capacitor Imports
Global capacitor imports totalled $31B in 2020. Multilayer ceramic capacitors ($19.1B) constituted the largest type of electrical capacitors imported worldwide, comprising 62% of global supplies. Aluminium electrolytic capacitors ($5B), with a 16% share of global imports, took second position in the ranking. Other types of capacitors comprised 22% of total supplies.
The largest capacitor importing markets were China ($8.8B), Hong Kong SAR ($5.4B) and Germany ($2B), together comprising 52% of global imports. The U.S., South Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Czech Republic, Hungary and India lagged somewhat behind, comprising a further 29%.
Source: IndexBox Platform
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