Florida Ports Open After Irma
Florida ports are back open after several days of cleanup following Hurricane Irma, but some ports are still experiencing some restrictions.
Irma slammed into Florida on Sunday after wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, killing 31 in the United States and leaving millions without power.
Debris was towed away to allow ships to access Port Miami and navigational buoys dragged out of position were put back in place. Hurricane Irma left four submerged sailboats and a floating dock in the turning basin.
Port Miami reopened on September 13. Previously truck traffic had been allowed access but ships had been unable to berth until the US Coast Guard approved conditions.
Port Everglades was opened with no restrictions by order of the US Coast Guard as of the morning of September 13. Currently, 11 of the 12 petroleum companies that operate at the port have reopened, according to the latest port update. The remaining terminal experienced water intrusion and related issues with the storm and is working to address these problems.
At Port Canaveral, a one-way opening of the Canaveral Lock was scheduled for September 14, with commercial vessels having priority. Hurricane Condition Four remains in effect today for Port Canaveral due to issues related to port infrastructure, specifically the degraded water supply and and intermittent electricity. All vessels transiting Port Canaveral must have approval from the Coast Guard. Restricted commercial vessel transit through Port Canaveral began on Wednesday.
Port Canaveral is continuing to assess the damage to its facilities and grounds from Hurricane Irma. Although initial inspection reports indicated mostly cosmetic damage to port structures, the port’s Jetty Park Pier, campground and beach sustained significant damage from Hurricane Irma and is closed to public access indefinitely.
The Coast Guard reopened the Port of Jacksonville to all vessel traffic September 13.
The Gulf Coast ports of Tampa Bay, Manatee, and St. Pete were all closed in advance of the storm and were reopened as of Wednesday.
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