Cold Chain Logistics Survey Reveals Biopharma Trends
Global temperature-controlled packaging provider Peli BioThermal shared three key insights revealed in the latest survey conducted on opinion leaders within the biopharmaceutical industry. The company’s 2019 Biopharma Cold Chain Logistics Survey took a granular look at current trends, technologies, and operations among cold chain industry players and exactly how much these trends are impacting the supply chain.
Among the most surprising trends uncovered in the survey confirmed cold-chain excursions are more common than one might assume. A total of 41 percent of survey respondents reported having multiple temperature-controlled excursions exceeding four degrees. More than half of respondents confirmed shipping internationally, adding pressure to the increasing demand for transportation optionality and flexibility within climactic zones.
Additionally, increasing quality demands made the list. As cold chain logistics increase among shippers, risk increases as well. With close to half (44.6 percent) of companies revealing multiple excursions per year, temperature and location tracking is high on the list of concerns to ensure high volumes are handled accurately.
“As strong growth continues across the global pharmaceutical industry, the sub-category of temperature-controlled products is surging ahead — growing at twice the rate of the industry overall,” said David Williams, President of Peli BioThermal. “Our survey reveals what matters most to key biopharma leaders — and what it means for the future — as the industry deals with the rapid growth and complexity of temperature-controlled logistics.”
Among the most common modes of transportation include air and ground with the option for sea and rail due to experience an increase among shippers, according to the survey.
Reusable containers garnered 79 percent respondent approval, adding that although pricier they are worth the investment and worth it over single-use containers. A total of 37.6 percent confirmed the implementation of reusable containers, with 25 percent currently vetting options.
The final piece of the results came from nearly 70 percent of respondents focusing on total cost of ownership (TCO) optimization as important. This consideration would primarily offset market pressures such as competition and margin, but proactive measures in defining TCO have not gathered momentum just yet. Only 10 percent of respondents confirmed exploring basic packaging costs and rates.
To read the full 2019 Biopharma Cold Chain Logistics Survey report, visit
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