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Six Manufacturing Tech Trends to Look for In 2021


Six Manufacturing Tech Trends to Look for In 2021

As we enter a new decade, we are bound to see new changes in the manufacturing industry as innovations continue to flood the market. Here are the top trends to look out for in 2021:

Accessible automation is going to be a game-changer in factories. There are lots of robotic solutions coming up for each and every industrial activity, from drilling robots to assembly robots – it is hard to not find an activity that cannot be automated. Better still are the upcoming efforts to introduce human-robot collaboration. Robots can effectively perform preprogrammed routines with precision but they require a human in the loop for when the variables change. Humans have better perception, intuition, and decision-making skills than current robots and there is no current AI able to compete with us on that front. Small companies are embracing mobile robotics since they are cheap, easy to use, customizable, and portable. Some of these autonomous mobile robots can even navigate on their own.

Robots can reduce operational costs, optimize factories’ workflow due to their consistency, and increase the bottom-line.

Another major trend to watch out for is IoT. This is where technological devices are connected to each other remotely and can be controlled remotely. This is a very useful technology especially in large factories that have various machines working in different departments. These machines can be connected and controlled from a single point for purposes of monitoring and process control. With this technology, processes can be more finely controlled directly and be monitored for perfect quality. Additionally, operation managers can collect data from these devices to help in the analysis of performance so that they can change, optimize, and tweak processes for improvement.

IoT is a $267 billion industry that is rapidly expanding and any company that wants to be successful should take advantage of this technology.

ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) software has become pretty sophisticated in the last few years. Any company worth its salt needs such software to be able to organize its resources and plan them for efficient use in their manufacturing processes. ERP systems also help control manufacturing processes starting from supply and delivery, resource allocation, inventory management up to packaging, and sales. These systems have seen widespread adoption due to newer, easier, simpler cloud-based SaaS software that can be used in smaller manufacturing organizations. Their best advantage is the ability to automate and control different areas of manufacturing operations under one system.

Due to the current data awakening phase, we are seeing globally, modern ERP systems have incorporated data analytics to help manufacturers track efficiencies of their processes and utilization of their resources. This will help organizations make necessary adjustments to improve their operations based on the insights gathered from their data.

Manufacturers have started shifting their focus from B2B to B2C. Traditionally, a manufacturer would produce goods to sell to a distributor who would then sell to customers. This was due to the high intensity of manufacturing processes back then which required the total focus of the manufacturer denying them the ability to market their goods. Now, modern technology has eased these pain points making manufacturing simpler and more efficient. This shift is beneficial to both the customers and manufacturers. Customers will get new goods straight from factories very cheaply due to the elimination of the distribution chain that added fees on products.

Manufacturers on the other hand will gain more since they can command retail prices rather than wholesale prices used for distributors resulting in higher profits. Also, they can deliver much faster to the market due to new technologies that help them produce new prototypes and send them to market faster. Manufacturers will have a solid grip on their brand’s visibility eliminating the risk of its dilution by outsourcing distribution to third parties. By selling directly to customers they have better feedback on their products and can use data gathered to improve production.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the current buzzes in technology. Scientists are trying to create computer systems that mimic human activity to help automate complex work processes. Even though the technology is not yet there, it still is pretty good. AI has been incorporated in assembly robots to assemble vehicles by Tesla when they needed to produce and ship high volumes of the Model 3. With AI you can run a factory without humans, the only human input being the management of processes.

Another place AI and machine learning have found good use is in data analysis. AI can recognize trends to help you steer your operations towards the current market demands. Machine learning, on the other hand, learns and makes logical conclusions from data such as when to repair, when to produce more or how to increase efficiency. AI can help you make informed decisions based on your organization’s data, along with giving you advice on how to run operations to increase the bottom-line.

Industry 4.0 is the most important technology today in manufacturing. What is Industry 4.0? This is the synergistic integration of IoT, Cloud technology, robotics, advanced computers, AI & ML, and the human workforce. When put together, all these aspects create the ultimate modern manufacturing organization.

Imagine a factory with all these technologies, starting with IoT to connect all machines and devices, Cloud to connect to remote workstations, use software and coordinate efficiently remotely, robotics to perform tedious manufacturing operations and AI&ML to help coordinate complex operations. This is the current modern factory and with all these efficiencies, products are guaranteed to be of the best quality. When you combine the human workforce into this equation and you have an almost alien-like factory that none of the factories in the 1900s can ever dream of competing with.

Even better, 3d printing has become advanced enough to print metal parts thus eliminating tooling costs. Printing products layer by layer will most definitely be intriguing since you can now control the smallest parts of the product

2021 will definitely be interesting, given the sheer number of technologies we expect to see rolled out in the market.


Since her teen years, Bethany Watson was always interested in writing and esports, so she decided to merge these two passions by choosing the career of a journalist who mostly writes about trends in eSports. She regularly contributes to the major media publications in the niche and serves as an editor for


Consumer-Focused Shipments Remain Front and Center in a COVID-19 World: 5 Things Your Business Should Consider

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives of many people and the world economy. Many things have changed during this period, including businesses closing down and people losing their jobs. The world seems to be too far from recovering from the effects brought by this pandemic. However, people should ensure they adjust their lives to effectively overcome the pandemic. 

Entrepreneurs should by now know how to adjust their business and ensure they thrive even in this pandemic. They should ensure they don’t take their eyes off of their customers and should ensure they understand where they stand in the eyes of customers.

They should also ensure they have a customer-focused business that places the customer experience above anything else. One way you can focus on your customer is by providing them with smooth and efficient delivery. There are things you should consider to confirm your consumer-focused shipments thrive even during the pandemic.

Before focusing on those things, you should first ensure your business has an efficient customer-focused approach. Here are some of the strategies to improve the overall customer-focused approach in your business.

Create a customer-focused culture

One thing that influences the operations of any business is the culture of that business. Business culture is the way of doing things in your business, and it all starts from the top of the organization. As your business manager, you should ensure you implement the right culture for your business to thrive.

You should ensure you create a customer-focused culture where the interests of the customers are your top priority. You should develop policies that make it easy for your employees to build a healthy relationship with customers.

Gather and share customer data with all your employees

The essential thing in your business is the feedback you get from your customers. The feedback you get will help you know the position you are in with customer satisfaction. You will know what you will need to improve and what you should continue doing. To have a better customer-focused approach in your business, you should ensure you have the right means to get feedback from your customers.


It would be best if you also had the means of sharing that information with all your employees. It will help all of you to work towards a common goal of satisfying your customers.

Prioritize customer retention

Most businesses fail because they fail to retain their customers. Getting new customers can incur extra costs to your business. Therefore you must find ways you can retain as many customers as possible. The first thing you should do is to identify your top customers. Once you identify them, you should ensure you keep a close watch on their long-term needs.

You should put more focus on them and ensure you satisfy them fully. When you have loyal customers, your business will still thrive even in stiff competition. You should ensure you train your employees to have the knowledge and skills of retaining customers.

Things To Consider Ensuring Consumer-Focused Shipments Remain Front And Center In a COVID-19 World

Now that you know how to improve your overall customer-focused approach, you should narrow down to consumer delivery. You should know how you will have effective consumer-focused shipments even in this time of Coronavirus. Any business needs to keep its customers happy at all times. The following are some of the factors you should consider to ensure smooth consumer-focused delivery.

  1. Eliminating information delays

One of the causes of production stalling is information delay. When your business cannot communicate effectively, there will be stalling in producing goods and services. At this time of Coronavirus, the demand for goods and services are unpredictable. You will find that there will be times that you will have a high traffic of consumers wanting one item.

When this happens, you should ensure you have ways that you can quickly reach your supply chain to adjust. When you can eliminate the information delay about the demand and supply changes, you will react quicker and incur fewer losses.

  2. Automation of routine processes

Another thing that you should consider when it comes to consumer shipments during this pandemic is automating your routine processes. At this time of Coronavirus, most consumers have had financial problems, and therefore they want the product at lower prices. To ensure you cater to your customer’s needs and leave them satisfied, you should adjust to meet their demand.  

One of the things you can do is cut some of the cost of producing the product. You can replace the human effort with machines to cut down the cost of wages. Once you do this, you will lower the costs of your business logistics. Using machines can also add value to your products making your customers view them as worthy of paying. Machines also reduce the time it takes for a product to be ready for delivery hence having smooth consumer shipments.

  3. Real-time data visibility

One of the effects the Coronavirus has brought in business is the unpredictable supply and demand changes. Real-time data visibility will help you to match the demand and supply easily. It is because you will be able to give your suppliers accurate information about all your shipments. To ensure you have effective real-time data visibility, you will have to invest in the CRM system.

  4. Unity of the workflow

To ensure effective consumer shipments in this time of Corona, you should implement a system where everyone works as one. Everyone in your business should make delivery records on the same system and use the same format or record storage. Everyone should know how to run the system and work together to provide customers with better delivery.

 5. Ensure you consistently communicate with your customers

At this time of the Coronavirus, most people have a lot in their minds and have enough to worry about. Therefore you should ensure your customers do not worry about their delivery by informing them about their delivery all the time. You would have ensured you have smooth consumer shipments hence leaving your customer satisfied and happy.


Considering the above factors, you would ensure that your consumer shipments thrive even in a COVID-19 world.


Since her teen years, Bethany Watson was always interested in writing and esports, so she decided to merge these two passions by choosing the career of a journalist who mostly writes about trends in eSports. She regularly contributes to the major media publications in the niche and serves as an editor for

yard management

The Importance of Digitizing Yard Management

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way in which businesses operate. With the new regulations taking place, constant changes of guidance from various governments, and overall instability, companies have figured the significance of effective yard management systems

A yard management system (YMS) is a special type of software developed to track the progress of trucks and trailers belonging to a yard of a warehouse, manufacturing facility, distribution center, or other buildings. The significance of such a system is clear – it shows real-time information which is very helpful in managing the yard. 

Company employees see real-time data about trucks and trailers and they effectively move trailers from staging to docks. As a result, the company is more effective, all orders are completed right on time, and the overall effectiveness is increased. And of course, setting up such a system saves the expenses on maintaining the yards. 

Even without the pandemic, the yard management system would have a great impact on the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of a business. Digitalizing the yard operations each year saves the expenses on transportation and capacity. Overall, the impact of digitizing yard management is significant, and here is why.

Benefits of Yard Management Digitalization

Even though the recent data shows that most companies invest from 0% to 5% of their budget into digitization and automation, there are still businesses willing to digitize their yards. Digitalization may improve efficiency, improve security, and greatly reduce transportation costs. Here are some key advantages of digitizing yard management:

-Digitalization has great potential to remove human error in transportation.

-Digitalization gives aid to shippers by optimizing not only the time but also resource consumption and labor.

-Significant decrease in package time, allowing clients to receive their purchases a lot quicker – and that is good for business. When the most famous e-commerce companies deliver their packages within days, it is hard to be competitive when delivering orders within weeks.

-It makes a company more competitive due to the spread of digitalization. Nowadays, most competitive companies have at least basic automation.

-Reduces operating costs.

The most advanced systems will even notify the managers about the most trending products to be almost out of stock. Thus, whenever managers receive such messages, they can order more trending products so when the clients order them, they won’t have to wait for months. 

Moreover, huge companies’ logistics executives are seeking methods of optimizing automatically the flow of products into and out of the available facilities (warehouses). They seek ways of effectively managing yard capacities, yard service providers, trailer pool availability, transportation contracts, etc. A lot of things can be improved by simply choosing the right maintenance system.

Overall, a digital yard system is more beneficial than standard paperwork. PINC – a digital yard solutions provider, takes a deeper look at how this can benefit operations in a recent series of articles and webinars. Instead of using tons of company’s resources on managing which isn’t as effective, a company is spending on fixing the most common issues thus enabling more efficient workflow. The digital yard system solves many problems as stated below.


An effective yard operation is when everything is done on time. That’s why visibility is so important. Instead of creating bottlenecks and moving trucks in or out without any purpose, the company manages all yard operations effectively due to visibility provided by YMS.

Wise Planning

Wise planning isn’t possible without visibility. Before the trucks arrive, you see what exactly is coming at you thus giving time to plan before the truck arrives. As a result, a company’s executive sets appointments, work schedules, organizes yard moves, etc. When the truck arrives, the workflow is organized effectively and there is no waiting time.


The speed is related to visibility. When you see what is inside the containers, when they arrive, etc., you can manage effectively. Productivity is largely improved since the employees move everything effectively.

Labor Forecasting

If you visit a traditional yard (the one managed by a manual system with all the paperwork), you will see trucks waiting for their turn to be unloaded or uploaded. That is due to the waiting time since the manager has to manually find a place for a container, or where the truck should be loaded with goods. A YMS system is a lot more effective since managers direct trucks to sections where they should upload or unload goods prior to their arrival.

Improved Communication

YMS allows managers to set the software so it will automatically notify customers, drivers, yard managers about the goods that are in or out, or goods that are on their way. In fact, all the supply chain will have access to the yard through real-time data supply. 

Loss/Theft Prevention and Security Improvement

YMS offers a way to save money on security improvements since it tracks all the goods the moment they have arrived in the yard. A lot of things can go missing or be stolen if the yard is managed manually, but it is nearly impossible with YMS.

Reputation Improvement

Effective yard management directly affects your reputation. When all the packages are delivered when customers expect them, without any delays, your company is seen as a reliable option. Most customers also prefer to track their purchases, and YMS can help with that.

Cost Saving

The visibility and overall management improvement directly impact the expenses of a company. It reduces fuel costs, labor, retention costs, and minimizes the amount of freight on the shelves instead of trucks. Companies that have implemented YMS make fewer errors, they don’t need that many trailers to host goods, impact the costs on expired inventory, etc.

Better Work Environment

YMS greatly reduces every hostlers’ anxiety during work. Instead of having tedious paperwork, hostlers use easy to use tablets. With the help of these tablets, they effectively manage the yard and it takes less time and effort. Thus, no depression, anxiety, and it immensely reduces the stress of everyday work. 


Even without the need of implementing optimizations due to the pandemic, digital yard management has a great impact on the cost-effectiveness and overall progress of the company. It makes everyone’s life easier and YMS reduces the cost of transportation and yard management. 


Since her teen years, Bethany Watson was always interested in writing and esports, so she decided to merge these two passions by choosing the career of a journalist who mostly writes about trends in eSports. She regularly contributes to the major media publications in the niche and serves as an editor for