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Our focus at Global Trade is to spotlight the most recent news on logistics, warehousing, ocean carriers, foreign trade zones and all of the industries we cover. However, for those seeking additional information not covered in our Featured Articles section, this archive provides supplementary features, stories and resources on these subjects.

QSR global trade

QSR Chains Reduce Delivery Times by 35% Using AI-Based Tech 

The upward mobility and evolving expectations of customers especially Gen Z expect their orders to be delivered in less than… Read More

Exporters and freight forwarders can lose their exporting privileges for regulatory violations, preventing them from shipping export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Addition of two destinations to CSX intermodal network will allow the carrier to handle more shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

EU startup investments will enable companies to become shippers of export cargo and import cargo in international trade, requiring logistics and supply-chain services.

U.S. sugar producers claim foreign government subsidies prevent them shipping export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

central Russian economic contraction was caused by drop in oil prices, resulting in lower values of export cargo and import cargo begin shipped in international trade.

Green efforts at the port of Long Beach mean that shipments of export cargo and shipments of import cargo move in international trade with a lower carbon footprint.

AsiaAir Cargo's new cloud-based logistics management system will make the airline's handling of shipments of export cargo and impoirt cargo in international trade more efficient.

Acquisition means that Pep Boys 800 locations will be integrated into Bridgestone's logistics and supply-chain planning as they involve, among other things, shipments of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

Te Trans-Pacific Partnership addresses many issues faced by SMEs that want to ship higher volumes of export cargo and import cargo in international trade.

European Commission ruled illegal transfer pricing scheme in which good transferred between company divisions in the form of shipments of export cargo and imnport cargo in international trade that did not correspond to market conditions.

The growing online retail sector means that distribution centers must be able to handle greater numbers of shipments of export cargo andimport cargo in international trade.

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