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  January 30th, 2023 | Written by

ALAN Launches Logistics Initiative Improving Access To Disaster Aid

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As non-profits across the country struggle with inflationary pressures, one logistics non-profit organization is shoring up its efforts to help them make every disaster relief dollar count – and to assist disaster survivors more quickly.

The American Logistics Aid Network today launched an initiative to help the non-profit community build stronger disaster supply chain networks.

Funded through a Walmart Foundation grant, the ALAN project will provide disaster focused non-profits with the opportunity to learn and apply a variety of best supply chain practices that have been gleaned from other humanitarian organizations as well as the commercial logistics community. The project will also create a stronger framework for more frequent logistics collaboration between non-profits and private businesses.

About Philanthropy at Walmart represents the philanthropic efforts of Walmart and the Walmart Foundation. By focusing where the business has unique strengths, works to tackle key social and environmental issues and collaborate with others to spark long-lasting systemic change.

About ALAN

Founded in 2005, ALAN provides donated logistics assistance to disaster relief organizations before, during and after catastrophic events. It is aided in these efforts by financial supporters, volunteers and in-kind donors. During 2022, it coordinated compassionate supply chain services for disasters such as Hurricane Ian, Hurricane Fiona, the attacks on Ukraine, the flooding in Eastern Kentucky, and the COVID-19 pandemic.