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  July 28th, 2017 | Written by

A Win-Win: Transparency Along The Entire Supply Chain

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  • Data transparency via the cloud allows integrated transport flows for connected logistics companies.
  • Logistics and transportation solution paves the way to fully utilize digitization.
  • Logistics and transportation solution paves the way to fully utilize digitization.

Whether by ship, airplane, train or truck – conveying goods around the world generally involves at least two different modes of transportation. Today, individual sections of a logistics process can be digitized and thereby made more seamless and transparent.

The information for the upstream and downstream sections of the supply chain, for example transport management data from the logistics service providers, is currently not always accessible for hub operators. Further optimization of the flow of traffic and goods around the premises is only possible to a limited extent. Consequently, jams caused by any number of factors are not uncommon in the vicinity of the loading ramp.

Networking, breaking down silos and data sharing become the keys for designing logistics hubs that are as profitable and reliable as possible for all stakeholders. Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics (SPPAL) and its subsidiary AXIT, a specialist for cloud-based IT solutions for the management of supply chains, are focusing on the optimization of the entire transport chain with their joint efforts on an integrated workflow via a cloud-based platform. Operators can receive transport-related data from other links in the transport chain. This information allows them to fully utilize their capacities and increase their productivity.

Will the goods arrive on time? What delays can be expected? Does the delivery volume on the truck correspond with the quantity registered at the hub for further handling?

With access to the plethora of information on every aspect of the anticipated goods, the transportation companies, and the traffic situation, the flows of goods in and around a logistics center can be optimized by means of a fully digitized controller. A prerequisite is that all stakeholders in the process share their data via a central platform. All relevant information is bundled and provided to the individual employees in the logistics center via a user-friendly web interface on the PC or a mobile app. Furthermore, data can be integrated into individual software solutions, such as ERP and WMS.

When a truck is loaded, for example, information on the volume, weight, and estimated time for unloading is sent to the hub. If the arrival time changes along the way due to a traffic jam, the logistics hub automatically receives a message with the updated arrival forecast. To ensure that the carrier’s dispatcher does not send the driver to a congested loading ramp, the dispatcher can adjust the unloading time to correspond with free capacities in the logistics center, which are publicized at a web interface.

Data transparency via the cloud allows both dispatchers in the logistics center and all connected logistics companies to efficiently and reliably control transport flows in an integrated manner. With this solution for logistics centers and transport companies, SPPAL and AXIT are paving the way to fully utilize the opportunities of digitization.